1、The finger-size fish form large schools to try to confuse predators.(这些手指大小的鱼儿结成巨大的鱼群,以蒙蔽捕猎者。)
2、This gave the world thefish finger and launched the factory ship that sailed far from home and processed the catch from huge trawlers on the high seas.(这种设备使世界有了冻鱼片,发明出渔业加工船。渔业加工船可以离开本地航行很远,并加工巨大的拖网渔船从公海上捕获的猎物。) Hao86.com
3、He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger, watching it and the other lines at the same time for the fish might have swum up or down.(他把钓索夹在大拇指和食指之间等待着。同时盯着它和其他那几根钓索,因为这鱼可能已游到了高一点的地方或低一点的地方。)
4、Silversides swirl through mangroves in the coral reefs off Cuba. The finger-size fish form large schools to try to confuse predators.(银汉鱼在古巴外珊瑚礁区的红树林中打转穿梭。这些手指大小的鱼儿结成巨大的鱼群,以蒙蔽捕猎者。)
5、The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw-like finger at his chest.(魔鬼又往前迈了一步,带着一股腐烂的鱼的味道。它用鳌一样的手指指着自己的胸膛。)