1、Pat has vivid recollections of the trip, and remembers some of thefrightening aspects I had forgotten.(帕特对这次旅行的记忆生动清晰,他还记得一些我已经忘却的可怕的事情。)
2、They are equally fumy andfrightening, but they are also aspirational.(他们同样让人感到愤怒和恐惧,但他们也让人充满希望。)
3、Suellen says in the beginning it'sfrightening for some people.(苏伦表示刚开始的时候,有些人觉得很可怕。)
4、I got scared. It wasfrightening.(我真是吓了一跳,这实在太可怕了。) haO86.com
5、It'sfrightening to think it could happen again.(想到此事可能再次发生就使人不寒而栗。)
6、Cities can befrightening places.(城市可能是可怕的地方。)
7、For humans, hearing a sudden loud noise might provefrightening, but it does not induce mass fatality.(对于人类来说,听到突然的巨响可能会令人恐惧,但它不会导致大规模死亡。)
8、This is why it looks sofrightening.(这就是它看起来那么可怕的原因。)
9、Thunder continued to shake the sky and lightning illuminated the store for seconds, castingfrightening shadows on my mind.(雷声不断,天空颤动,几秒钟的闪电使整个商店都亮起来了,这个场景给我留下了阴影。)
10、It was a veryfrightening experience and they were very courageous.(那是一次非常令人恐惧的经历,但他们非常勇敢。)
11、It's a dark comedy, which is sometimes funny and sometimesfrightening.(这是一部黑色喜剧,有时有趣,有时令人恐惧。)
12、It isfrightening to even think of the horror of nuclear war.(核战争的恐怖状况想想都觉得很可怕。)
15、The whole car shuddered with an almostfrightening surge of power.(整辆车因受到一股几乎令人惊骇的冲力而颤动。)
16、These arefrightening statistics.(这些统计数据令人心寒。)
17、The horror movie was veryfrightening.(这部恐怖电影很吓人的。)
18、It's the bed that isfrightening.(吓人的是那张床。)
19、She only knew that people were ill and that she heard mysterious andfrightening sounds.(她只知道有人生病了,她听到了神秘而可怕的声音。)
20、I just can't live hand to mouth, it's toofrightening.(我就是不能过勉强糊口的日子,这太可怕了。)
21、Hard work isfrightening.(努力工作令人害怕。)
22、If Hiccup was going to take a risk and befriend a dragon, it had to be the mostfrightening dragon in the world.(如果Hiccup冒着危险去和这条龙做朋友,那它一定要是世界上最可怕的巨龙。)
23、Does this soundfrightening?(这是不是危言耸听呢?)
24、The fishermen said the company's seismic survey wasfrightening away fish.(渔民们说这家公司的地震勘测吓跑了鱼儿。)
25、Take three deep breaths, look at the audience, no matter howfrightening they may be, and be enthusiastic and energetic.(做三次深呼吸,看看观众,不管他们有多可怕,你要保持热情和精力充沛。)
26、He said that's a "frightening figure."(他说那是一个令人害怕的数字。)
27、The big earthquake was veryfrightening.(这场大地震非常可怕。)
28、Now I know that for some people this might be quite afrightening thing to do, but it is perfectly safe.(现在我知道,对一些人来说,这做起来可能是一件相当可怕的事情,但它是完全安全的。)
29、The Pacific Whale Foundation on the west coast expressed concern that the scooters arefrightening away an endangered species of whale that migrates to Hawaii for breeding.(西海岸的太平洋鲸鱼基金会表示担忧,因为摩托车吓跑了一种迁徙到夏威夷繁殖的濒临灭绝的鲸鱼。)