
from place to place造句

from place to place造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:32:29


from place to place造句

  • 1、That should yield a detailed map of the lunar crust, and how its thickness variesfrom place to place.(飞船会画出详细的月球地壳图以及不同部位不同的地壳厚度。)
  • 2、This effect variedfrom place to place and in time.(观测效果和时间及地点有很大关系,各地各时都不一样。)
  • 3、He explained that cicadas do not like being movedfrom place to place, and sometimes they get so grumpy that they refuse to sing.(他交代说,知了不喜欢被挪来挪去,有时候脾气不好了,它们会拒绝鸣叫。)
  • 4、The composition and levels of air pollution varyfrom place to place.(空气污染的成分和程度在各个地方都不尽相同。)
  • 5、Every day, take a moment to thank your eyes for seeing, your liver for functioning, your feet for carrying youfrom place to place.(每天,感激你的眼睛还能看到美景,你的机体还在运作,你的双脚能带你四处旅行。)
  • 6、Larry and Andy had driftedfrom place to place, working at this and that.(拉里和安迪四处漂泊,干了各种各样的活。)
  • 7、Ancient nomads wentfrom place to place-and they had to take a lot of stuff with them (including their livelihoods and families).(古代的游牧者从此处走向彼处——他们必须随身携带许多物品(包括他们的生计和家室)。)
  • 8、Even McDonald's and Starbucks, which appear to sell the same stuff everywhere, in fact vary their offeringsfrom place to place.(即使麦当劳和星巴克,这些公司表面看起来在任何地方所卖的东西都一样,实际上他们提供的产品在不同地区上也有差异。)
  • 9、However, it was not completely smooth: there were tiny variationsfrom place to place.(然而,膨胀过程并不是完全顺利的:在不同的点会发生不同的变化。)
  • 10、Whereas portable computers go everywhere with their owners, the pad that must be carriedfrom place to place is a failure.(与便携式计算机随着拥有者去所有地方不同,必须被携带者从一个地方到另一个地方的垫子是一种失败。)
  • 11、If they could be integrated into the world of quantum computing, that would help with the transfer of qubitsfrom place to place.(如果把光子应用到量子计算领域,将有助于量子位的传输。)
  • 12、The views all have tabs and can be movedfrom place to place within the perspective.(视图拥有所有的项,并且可以从一个地方移动到视图内的另一个地方。)
  • 13、Her childhood was spent travellingfrom place to place.(她的童年是在不断迁移中度过的。)
  • 14、It's actually extremely difficult to make sure that data isn't changed as it is movedfrom place to place, and from format to format.(将数据从一个地方移到另一个地方,从一种格式转化成另一种格式,要保证数据不被改变是极其困难的。) haO86.com
  • 15、Goods, once they have been made, are assumed to move instantly and at no costfrom place to place.(人们常常假定货物一旦被制造出来,就可以立即从一个地方转移到另一个地方,而不需要任何费用。)
  • 16、In addition, the year was the wettest on record globally, although rain and snowfall varied widelyfrom place to place.(加之,尽管各地的降雨和降雪范围变得更加广泛,但2010年仍是有记录以来全球最潮湿的一年。)
  • 17、However, the traditions often differfrom place to place.(但是,各地的传统却各有不同。)
  • 18、Park in a central spot and walkfrom place to place.(停在一个中心点,步行到各处。)
  • 19、They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying thingsfrom place to place.(他们用这些自制的盆盆罐罐来做饭、装食物、储运东西。)
  • 20、Having identified this fundamental unit, Shannon set about defining otherwise vague ideas about information and how to transmit itfrom place to place.(确定了这个基本单位后,香农开始定义关于信息及如何将信息从一处传到另一处的模糊概念。)
  • 21、Nursemaid ants look after eggs, larvae and pupae, moving themfrom place to place each day depending on the temperature.(保姆蚂蚁照顾蚁卵、幼蚁和蚁蛹,根据温度的变化每天不停的将他们转移至合适的地方。)
  • 22、Rather, it seems to varyfrom place to place within the universe.(相反,在宇宙中,该常数会随所在的位置发生变化。)
  • 23、So David and his men, about six hundred in number, left Keilah and kept movingfrom place to place.(大卫和跟随他的约有六百人,就起身出了基伊拉,往他们所能往的地方去。)
  • 24、But I believe women have more space than four years ago, and the ability to gofrom place to place.(不过我相信,相比四年前,女性的空间更多,而且能够四处走动了。)
  • 25、Far too many of us, though, try to cram too much into the day, leaving no time to getfrom place to place.(然而,我们当中的很多人都在努力将一天的时间填得满满当当,路上的时间一点不留。)
  • 26、We are also be talking about portable works of art, things that could be carried aroundfrom place to place.(我们也在谈论可携带的艺术品,可以带着到处走,从一个地方带到另一个地方的东西。)
  • 27、These opinions will change with time, and varyfrom place to place.(这些观点会根据时间和地点的不同而改变。)
  • 28、Now those who were scattered, after the stoning of Stephen, wentfrom place to place proclaiming the word.(那些分散的人,往各处去传道。)

from place to place基本释义

from place to place

英 [frɔm pleis tu: pleis] 美 [frʌm ples tu ples] 
各处; 处处; 各地