1、One can hardly believe that this paper mill was startedfrom scratch only a few years ago.(很难相信这个造纸厂仅仅是在几年前白手起家办起来的。)
2、But first the city has to be createdfrom scratch.(但是城市的创建要从一穷二白的基础上开始。)
3、Songdo, a city builtfrom scratch in South Korea, is one of Kasarda's prime examples.(韩国的松岛是一座白手起家的城市,是卡萨达最典型的例子之一。)
4、They decided to dismantle the machine and start againfrom scratch.(他们决定拆掉机器,从头再来。)
5、from scratch, starting with a blank workplace.(从空白的工作区开始从头创建表单。)
6、We don't have time to startfrom scratch.(我们没有时间从草稿开始。)
7、Building a homefrom scratch can be both exciting and challenging.(白手起家既激动人心又具有挑战性。)
8、The only answer is to startfrom scratch.(唯一答案是,从头开始。)
9、We do not have to startfrom scratch.(我们无须从头开始。)
10、We had to startfrom scratch together. We did all of our research in the library together.(我们必须从零开始。我们一起在图书馆做了所有的研究。)
11、Using ROR, you can build a custom CMSfrom scratch.(可以使用ROR从头构建一个定制的CMS。)
12、We prefer a "startfrom scratch" strategy.(我们喜欢“从零开始”的策略。)
13、The ones in this book, every one of them, are developed totallyfrom scratch.(这本书中的每一个人都是完全从零开始成长起来的。)
14、Write a parserfrom scratch.(重新编写一个解析器。)
15、And most of these have been designedfrom scratch.(几乎所有这些机器人都是从零开始设计的。)
16、If we have to startfrom scratch then all take time.(如果我们必须从头开始,那么一切都需要时间。)
17、Now I have to startfrom scratch.(我还得从头开始。)
18、You don't need to startfrom scratch here.(这里您不需要从头开始。)
19、Recreating a marketfrom scratch is hard.(从零开始,重塑一个市场是非常困难的。)
20、Another is to negotiate a global dealfrom scratch.(另一个是从头讨论出一项全球性的协议。)
21、Then they began their new lifefrom scratch.(然后他们开始描绘新的生活。)
22、Real criticism is not meant to find obvious mistakes, so if she found any—the type I could have found on my own—I had to startfrom scratch.(真正的批评并不是针对那些明显的错误,所以如果她发现了任何我自己就能察觉到的错误,我就得从头开始。)
23、Should you startfrom scratch?(你是否应该从零开始?)
24、We are not startingfrom scratch.(我们不是从零做起。) 【好工具hao86.com】
25、I learned Germanfrom scratch in six months.(我从零学起,六个月学会了德语。)
26、Don’t have time to cookfrom scratch?(就没有时间来烹饪么?)
27、Either so that they wouldn't have to carry everything with them or so they could save time once they arrived at a site by not having to make stufffrom scratch.(这样他们要么就不用把所有东西都带在身边了,要么他们到了一个地方的时候不用从头开始做东西,可以节省时间。)
28、My idol is Jack Ma because he establishes Alibaba, one of the most famous IT companies in Chinafrom scratch.(我的偶像是马云,因为他白手起家,创办了中国最出名的一家网络科技公司——阿里巴巴。)