1、Any statefunctionary shall report to the state their bank savings in other countries according to the state "s stipulations."(国家工作人员在境外的存款,应当依照国家规定申报。)
2、The altitude of the gallows that would turn to water and quench it, nofunctionary, by any stretch of mathematics, was able to calculate successfully.(官员们无论用什么数学公式计算,也算不出绞架要造多高才能变成水,把那场大火扑灭。)
3、Joint acceptance of bribes has three main features: 1, crime subject are more than two persons and at least one statefunctionary.(共同受贿罪的主要特征是:1、犯罪主体为二人以上,并且其中至少一人为国家工作人员。)
4、After reporter gives condition and bat batch covering to proptosis, saidfunctionary show: Will appoint a body then see.(记者将采访到的情况和盘托出后,该工作人员表示:会派人再去看看。)
5、Nws netfunctionary the cycle Yi happily say.(新闻网工作人员周毅高兴地说。)
6、Usable response rate and build differentiation low-key exact extent comes assess is coriaceousfunctionary restores a situation.(可用反应速度和建立分化抑制的准确程度来评定皮质机能的恢复情况。)
7、Whoever being extorted gives property to a statefunctionary and gains no unlawful profits shall not be deemed to have bribed.(因被勒索给予国家工作人员以财物,没有获得不正当利益的,不是行贿。)
8、The common offender can be a culprit guilty of misappropriating public funds who collude with the statefunctionary.(一般主体与有特殊身份的人相互勾结可以构成挪用公款罪的共犯。)
9、Anyfunctionary of a State organ who commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment.(不是有意诬陷,而是错告,或者检举失实的,不适用前两款的规定。)
10、There exist different opinions about the intension and extension of the concept of statefunctionary.(然而在理论与实践中,却对国家工作人员概念的内涵和外延存在不同的认识。)
11、In one morning, a youngfunctionary decided to ask his boss to give a raise to him.(在某一天的一个早上,一位年轻的白领终于决定要求老板为他加薪。)
12、The essence of urban land use evolvement is afunctionary process of self-organized mechanism of urban ecological sight in the man-made control.(城市土地利用演化的实质是人为干预下城市生态景观的自组织机制作用过程。)
13、Any Statefunctionary who commits any crime prescribed in this Decision shall be given a heavier punishment.(国家工作人员犯本决定规定之罪的,从重处罚。)
14、Any judicialfunctionary who commits a crime mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs shall be given a heavier punishment.(司法工作人员犯前两款罪的,从重处罚。)
15、As one great crime reasons of the social corruption, bribe crime infringes the national missionaryfunctionary actions greatly.(行贿罪作为贿赂犯罪的一种,具有严重的社会危害性。)
16、The book's hero, the Englishman Winston Smith, is a minor partyfunctionary in one of these states.(主人公是一位英国人温斯顿·史密斯,是一位小职员。)
17、Physiology maturity is grow as bodyfunctionary and mature.(生理成熟是随着身体机能的生长而成熟。)
18、The interfacialfunctionary mechanism of the composite materials was studied.(探讨了该复合材料的界面作用机理。)