13、The meatotomy is completed using retrogradeforceps.(肉切开术使用逆行钳完成。)
14、The highest levels of cortisol are found in those born by assisted vaginal delivery usingforceps or vacuum extraction.(皮质醇水平最高的是那些通过手术钳或真空抽取而娩出的婴儿。)
15、"The sight offorceps will make father faint, " the consultant explained.(医生解释道:“产钳分娩会把爸爸吓昏的。”)
16、He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair offorceps.(据称,AlZahrawi也是第一个施行剖腹产手术的医生,他还发明了钳子。)
17、The figures show an increase inforceps deliveries.(数字显示产钳分娩数量增多。)
18、Reserve the other two pairs offorceps for handling the clean dressing and the wound.(用另外两只胶钳处理无菌敷料和清洗伤口。)
19、All 1299 polyps were removed with biopsyforceps.(共摘除息肉1299个,均用活检钳咬切。)
20、Sterilization of biopsyforceps by autoclaving or cyclo-ethane take up 26.78%.(活检钳采用压力蒸汽与环氧乙烷灭菌26.78%。)
21、Each kit also includes scissors,forceps and first aid instructions.(每套工具也包括剪刀,钳子和急救指示。)
22、Smellie improved theforceps and wrote a bestselling practical midwifery handbook.(斯梅利改良了产钳,并写下了实用的助产术手册。)
23、WMP was performed under dissection microscope with microsurgical scissors andforceps.(在解剖手术显微镜用显微手术镊子、剪子完成WMP。)
24、I watched it fall in slow motion from hisforceps, landing with a plinking sound in a metal pan.(我看着它以慢镜头离开医生手中的镊子,叮的一声掉到金属盘里…)
26、He recognized me and waved aforceps.(他倒还认得我,挥一挥钳子。)
27、She had tufty brown hair on her head and on her crotch, and if you used your fingers likeforceps and reached up that mound of brown fluff.(她的头上和胯部有簇棕色的毛发,如果你使手指呈钳状,上伸到棕色绒毛下凸起中。)
28、Disposeforceps and soiled dressing in a plastic bag.(钳子和旧敷料放在污敷料袋内。)