
fortune telling造句

fortune telling造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:53:11


fortune telling造句

  • 1、People in various cultures have used the anklebones of domestic artiodactyls in games and fortune-telling for millennia.(不同文化区域的人们都爱用国内偶蹄动物踝骨做游戏或者占卜。)
  • 2、Old man by a fortune-telling, and destroyed the happiness of life.(被一个算命的老头,毁掉了一生的幸福。)
  • 3、We really all ought to do much more fortune-telling. By this, I don't mean we should try to look at tomorrow or the day after.(我们所有人真的都应该多去算算命,我的意思并不是让大家试图通过算命去看看明天或者后天(会发生什么)。)
  • 4、The front room is Veronica's fortune-telling parlor, equipped with crystal ball, tarot CARDS, and a map of the palm of your hand.(前面的房间是维罗尼卡的算命营业室,摆着水晶球,塔罗牌,还有一幅你的手掌的示意图。)
  • 5、Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch.(苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进茅草屋顶里。)
  • 6、I am not overpass fortune-telling, Lao out so much love to hear you.(我不是天桥上算命的,唠不出那么多你爱听的磕。)
  • 7、Do you believe in astrology, tarot CARDS, and fortune-telling?(你相信占星术、塔罗牌、算命之类的东西?)
  • 8、Easy language tofortune telling entertainment game source code, game programming source code, a good reference.(说明:易语言算命娱乐小游戏源码,游戏娱乐编程源码,很好的参考资料。)
  • 9、I've tried every kind offortune telling, such as Chinese astrology, face reading and the Western horoscope.(我已经试过各种算命的方法,像紫微斗数、面和西洋占星术。)
  • 10、Now that people are no longer superstitious , fortune-telling as a profession is finished.(现在的人都不迷信了,因此算命这一行就算完了。)
  • 11、In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism.(在欧洲,他们很快就受到了加杰家族的迫害,教会认为他们的占卜是异端,而政府则认为他们的游牧行为是反社会的。)
  • 12、This place accepts any ppl that are gay, lesbian, straight and difference races. All are welcome.fortune telling is no boundary and limitation to these and topics related to these.(此处是欢迎任何国籍,不同性向的人。问卜无分界限,问卜的主题亦无此限。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 13、Tourists pass by the electronic hands of a fortune-telling machine in Seattle's Pike Place Public Market.(西雅图城市生活图片。旅游者通过电子手的一个算命机器在西雅图的派克市场公共市场。)
  • 14、Practicing divination (This meansfortune telling, reading tarot CARDS, reading tea leaves etc) or sorcery.(实施占卜(这意味着命运的讲述,读塔罗牌,看茶叶渣等等)或巫术。)
  • 15、That's the fortune-telling error, when you falsely predict what's going to happen.(当你先入为主地预计将发生什么事情时,这是一种宿命式的错误。)
  • 16、If there is an online fashion store which also provides the Horoscopefortune telling service and showing the weekly lucky wearing style of every sign, you think it's…(若某间流专卖服饰的网路商店,定期提供美各星座适合的单品与穿搭造型,你觉得这种行销手法…?。)
  • 17、Each cafe has a distinct fortune-telling method.(每家咖啡馆都有其独特的算命方式。)
  • 18、I don't know about fortunes or fortune-telling.(我既不懂得命运也不懂得算命。)
  • 19、Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.(算命是一种透着迷信色彩的十分低级的把戏。)
  • 20、Her gift of palmistry and other sorts of fortune-telling begot for her at last a witch's name and fame.(她因为会相掌,还有别的算命的本事,得到了女巫的名声。)
  • 21、Suze Orman has made afortune telling people to grow their wealth through frugality, despite having no personal experience in the matter.(苏兹·奥尔曼通过告诉人们如何靠着节俭来积累财富而赚了一大笔钱,尽管她本人并没有这样的经历。)

fortune telling基本释义
