
get round造句

get round造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:58:45


get round造句

  • 1、The authorsget round the ethnicity taboo by using census data on national origin.(研究作者使用原籍人口普查资料,以避免触犯民族禁忌。)
  • 2、Keep the map with you , and you will find it of great value in helping you toget round Washington D. C.(你拿着地图,你就会发现它在帮助你在华盛顿旅游有很大的价值。)
  • 3、Other people, though, think they may be able toget round this difficulty.(然而,其他一些人认为他们能摆脱这个困难。)
  • 4、I know you carry on with some girl named Zhu. You're just trying toget round her.(我知道你和姓朱的女工吊膀子,你想哄骗她。)
  • 5、get round the next corner and surely the path would start heading downhill. It had to soon.(到了下一个拐角山路肯定就开始下坡了,快了,毕竟那人说过这条路是可以走的。)
  • 6、But before I can evenget round to it, I'm plagued with doubts.(然而在我抽空做这些之前,我又被各种疑虑折磨上了。)
  • 7、She could alwaysget round her father, who would give her whatever she asked for.(她无论要什么,她的父亲都会给她,所以她总能够说服她的父亲。)
  • 8、WEST HAM want to keep the running track to satisfy the legacy. How can youget round this?(西汉姆却既能保持田径跑道又能满足传统要求。你对此怎么看?)
  • 9、I'm sure the people who want to visit the site already know how toget round the ban.(我确定想访问那些网站的人们已经知道怎么回避这个禁令了。)
  • 10、You can sometimesget round the tax laws.(有时,人们能够钻税收法律的空子。)
  • 11、Man: No, but I canget round them.(没有,但我可以说服他们。)
  • 12、One way toget round this limitation is to set up a laser in mid-air, its beam sampling the molecules along its path as it returns to the source.(避免这个局限的一种方法是在两者之间放置一个激光器,它的光束在返回光源时对途径的分子进行取样。)
  • 13、William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, criticised Mr Brown for taking five days toget round to making his response.(影子内阁外交大臣威廉。黑格抨击布朗要用五天的时间才对嫌犯释放一事作出回应。)
  • 14、For a long time, researchers tried toget round the problem by attempting to re-create the visual processing that goes on in the human cortex.(在很长一段时间里,研究人员试图通过重现人类大脑皮层的视觉处理来绕过这个问题。)
  • 15、But a new type of exploration vehicle, called Talaris, should be able toget round such problems. Or, rather, over them.(但是一种新型探测工具——塔雷·瑞斯应该可以避免或是解决这些问题。)
  • 16、Toget round many of these problems requires a different approach to the way pages and the components on those pages were loaded.(要解决这些问题,需要另外一种不同的方法加载页面及其上的组件。)
  • 17、She knows how toget round her dad.(她知道怎样讨她爸爸的欢心。)
  • 18、I'llget round to mending it eventually.(我最后会抽出时间来修理它的。)
  • 19、She is trying toget round this tricky problem by changing the subject.(她试图通过改变话题来回避这个棘手的问题。)
  • 20、I meant to do the ironing but I didn'tget round to it.(我本想熨衣服的,可就是抽不出时间。)
  • 21、But can't you find some way toget round your producers for an earlier delivery?(你不能想些办法说服厂家提前一些时间交货吗?)
  • 22、We all know how annoying it is to lose your mobile phone, especially if you never didget round to backing up those valuable contacts.(我们都知道丢手机让人十分郁闷,尤其是您无法再获得手机里面珍贵的资料。)
  • 23、You don't want word of your exceptional generosity toget round.(你不想关于你极其慷慨大方的名声流传四海吧。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 24、I have so many things to do that I just neverget round to it.(我有很多事要做,所以一直没能做这件事。)
  • 25、Mother is much better now, she's able toget round a bit more.(母亲现在好多了,能够多走动走动了。)
  • 26、She desired toget round the warning.(她希望避开这个警告。)

get round基本释义

get round

英 [ɡet raund] 美 [ɡɛt raʊnd] 
(消息)传开; 走动; 旅行; 说服; 回避