
go hiking造句

go hiking造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:58:24


go hiking造句

  • 1、She asked me if she couldgo hiking with me.(她问我她是否能和我一起去徒步旅行。)
  • 2、I used togo hiking when I was young.(我年青时常常外出徒步旅行。)
  • 3、Why won't Michaelgo hiking this weekend?(为什么迈克尔这个周末将不去远足呢?)
  • 4、Ann: Would you like togo hiking?(你想要去远足吗?)
  • 5、I oftengo hiking with my parents.(我经常和我的父母去远足。)
  • 6、Why don't yougo hiking?(你为什么不徒步旅行?)
  • 7、Sometimes Igo hiking and climb mountains.(有时我去远足和爬山。)
  • 8、Igo hiking near Kenting.(我去垦丁附近远足。) hao86.com
  • 9、This trail becomes really slimy after it rains, so be carefully if yougo hiking.(下雨之后这条小径会变得很泥泞,爬山的时候要小心。)
  • 10、It might snow this weekend, in which case we won'tgo hiking in the mountains.(周末可能下雪,在这种情况下,我们就不到山里去远足了。)
  • 11、Sometimess Igo hiking.(有时候我去远足。)
  • 12、Let'sgo hiking together next Sunday.(让我们下周日一起去远足吧。)
  • 13、I can'tgo hiking with you this weekend - I have to look after my kid.(这周末我不能跟你们一起去爬山了,我要看孩子。)
  • 14、If you're lucky enough to live near some woods, or a mountain, or a canyon,go hiking.(如果你足够幸运能够生活在靠近森林、群山或是峡谷的地方,可以去徒步旅行。)
  • 15、Anyone cango hiking, but rock climbing really separates the men from the boys.(谁都能去徒步旅行,但是攀岩才能真正考验人的体能。)
  • 16、She decided to get away for a few days andgo hiking in the mountains.(她决定离开几天,到山上去徒步旅行。)
  • 17、The kids oftengo hiking at weekends.(孩子们常在周末远足。)
  • 18、Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes Igo hiking.(有时候我看望我的爷爷奶奶。我经常踢足球。有时候我去远足。)
  • 19、Peoplego hiking, biking, canoeing.(他们去郊游、骑车、划独木舟。)
  • 20、If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we willgo hiking.(如果明天不下雨,怕我们就去远足。)
  • 21、Well, I did have plans togo hiking.(我本来计划徒步旅行。)
  • 22、Why not create more time togo hiking, fly kites or do some other outdoor activities?(为什么不创造更多的时间去远足、放风筝或做一些其他的户外活动呢?)

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