
go on doing造句

go on doing造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:59:43


go on doing造句

  • 1、And I know I'llgo on doing such things.(我知道我会一直这样做下去。)
  • 2、How long will Igo on doing this, I'm asked.(有人问我,你还会使用这个多长时间?)
  • 3、Pleasego on doing the same exercise.(请接着做这同一个练习。)
  • 4、If you offer a path of entrepreneurship you were lavishing these talents and I guarantee you you'llgo on doing amazing things.(如果你选择了创业生涯,你就会发挥这些才能,我敢保证你们会继续,做出令人惊叹的业绩。)
  • 5、Take a break and thengo on doing homework.(休息一下,然后继续做作业。)
  • 6、One afternoon, at the writing workshop in gomez Palacio, a boy asked me why I wrote poetry and how long I thought I wouldgo on doing it.(一天下午,在戈麦斯·帕拉·西奥市的写作研系习班上,一个男孩问我为什么我要写诗歌,我构思多长时间才下笔写。)
  • 7、A bad or unidentified smell can 'make us go on alert, distract us from what we're doing and change our mood,' usually for the worse, she says.(她说,一种坏味道或是来历不明的味道有可能引起人们的警觉,让人分心,并改变人的情绪,通常都是让情绪变得更糟糕。)
  • 8、Go easy on the boy: he didn't know he was doing anything wrong.(对好那男孩子宽容点吧,他不知道自己做错了什么。) hAo86.com
  • 9、This is true up to a point. Yet it is also true that frustration and resentment in Saudi Arabia are growing-and look set togo on doing so.(从某种意义来说这是事实,然而沙特不断增长的挫折和憎恨情绪也是事实,但这些令人讨厌的做法看上去还会持续下去。)
  • 10、Go forth now my beloved, andgo on doing what you were destined to do as your Light is shining brightly.(向前走我亲爱的,继续去做你注定要做的,因为你们的光正在耀眼的闪耀着。)
  • 11、In the words of one trauma survivor, "I was terrified to go anywhere on my own.".. I felt so defenseless and afraid that I just stopped doing anything.(用在创伤里生还下来的人的话说:我不敢独自一人到任何地方…我感觉自己没有任何防御之力,我是如此恐慌,所以停下来不去做任何事情。)
  • 12、If you're having trouble deciding when to hold on to something and when to let it go, try doing things backward. Learn to add responsibly instead of subtracting.(如果你在烦恼什么时候去拥有一些东西和什么时候放手,试着考虑做事情的结果。学会负负责任地使用加法并取代减法。)
  • 13、He wanted togo on doing chemistry all his life.(他愿继续一辈子从事化学工作。)
  • 14、Patterns and code go together, and we were still focusing on the code... we said: we are doing things differently.(模式和代码互相协调,我们仍然关注在代码上……我们说:我们正在用不同的方式做事。)
  • 15、Teams go to extremes on communicating; they are either too shy or are overly eager in their communication for fear of either doing too much or too little.(沟通时团队会走向极端;他们担心做的太多或太少,在沟通过程中因太内向而说得太少,或者因太外向而说得太多。)
  • 16、We will probablygo on doing that as long as we think it's worthwhile.(只要我们觉得值得做,我们也许会继续这样做下去。)
  • 17、Besides the activities that I am currently doing, could you give me some Suggestions on how to go about improving my knowledge of the business?(除了我现在正在做的这些努力以外,您对我如何进一步地提高自己的业务知识是否还有什么建议?)
  • 18、Please keep in mind that you mustgo on doing your homework until you finish it!(请记住你必须继续做你的家庭作业直到你完成它为止!)
  • 19、But more than ever, I feel a sense of duty togo on doing what I have to and can do.(但比以往任何时候,我觉得有责任感去做好我有什么可以做。)
  • 20、Just think what a force for good a sincere compliment can be. It not only can boost a person's morale but also can give the incentive togo on doing well.(一个发自内心的称赞可以成为激励人向上的动力,它不仅提高当事人的士气,而且能鼓励人再接再厉。)
  • 21、If you're having trouble deciding when to hold on to something and when to let it go, try doing things backward.(如果你在烦恼什么时候去拥有一些东西和什么时候放手,试着考虑做事情的结果。)
  • 22、As I go to put them to bed on the last day, I find them sitting in a circle, doing a jigsaw together.(在最后一天当我让他们上床睡觉时,我发现他们坐成一个圈,正在玩七巧板。)
  • 23、If yougo on doing like that I shall be angry.(你再这么下去,我就要生气了。)
  • 24、go on doing sports.(继续做运动吧。)
  • 25、Suddenly, she wondered whether she shouldgo on doing her job or just quit and find happiness somewhere else.(突然间,她不知道是该继续做她的工作,还是干脆辞掉它,带别的地方寻找幸福。)

go on doing基本释义