
更新时间:2025-01-05 21:59:59



  • 1、The square tower of a church loomed through thegloaming.(在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。) 【好工具】
  • 2、We guessed what the students at West Point might be doing as we passed; the institution looked so mysteriously vast, twinkling in thegloaming, high up on the hills.(当火车经过西点军校时,我们猜想军校的学生们在做些什么。西点军校在高高的山坡上,显得神秘而广大,在暮色中散发着光亮。)
  • 3、Stars in the purplegloaming.(紫色黄昏里是闪闪的星星。)
  • 4、Let it go back into thegloaming, and gad with a lot of longing.(就让他回到暮色中,满怀憧憬地游荡吧。)
  • 5、We made it in 25 minutes, hurtling through thegloaming like the Two Cyclists of the Apocalypse.(像战警传奇中的两个骑士我们飞速在暮色中骑行,用25分钟就赶到了旅馆。)
  • 6、In thegloaming, the crows flew in to gather for the night in a stand of bare oaks.(薄暮时分,鸦群飞向光秃秃的橡树枝条上过夜。)
  • 7、This is my time, "she said, and Destiny saw the shadow that spread onto his page raise its arms, as if embracing thegloaming sky."(“我有我的时间。”她答道,然后宿命看见了书页上的影子伸展的手臂,似乎要去拥抱黄昏的暮色。)
  • 8、Moons, both crescent and full, provide a thin light in thegloaming.(月亮——不论是一弯月牙还是一轮满月——都为黄昏笼罩上一层薄薄的白纱。)



英 [ˈgləʊmɪŋ] 美 [ˈgloʊmɪŋ] 
