1、If you have a restraint in your spirit, wait until all is clear, and do notgo against it.(假若你的心灵如受约束,就该等待到一切澄清,不要故意违抗。)
2、You may not like that, it maygo against your intuition.(你也许不喜欢这个结论,它有悖于你的直觉。)
3、The findingsgo against the long-standing advice that regular helpings of fruit and vegetables will lower cancer risk.(传统的建议,一度主张蔬菜水果将能帮助降低患癌症的风险,然而,这一研究发现与之前的认识完全相反。)
4、Heroes are people who oftengo against what is expected of them.(英雄是勇于突破常规的人。)
5、Whygo against The Chicago Manual of Style in this case?(为什么要与芝加哥样式手册相违背呢?)
6、If you look up the root of sin, you'll find that it means "togo against."(如果究其根源,我们会发现,犯罪意味着违背。)
7、When wego against inner voice, we usually feel uncomfortable throughout our lives.(当我们违背内心的声音时,我们通常会在一生中感到不舒服。)
8、This approach to manipulating the RUP lifecycle, however, wouldgo against few of its principles.(然而,这种控制RUP生命周期的方法会违背其一些原则。)
9、He would notgo against his parents' wishes.(他不愿违背父母的意愿。) (好工具hao86.com)
10、On the one hand, teachers impose what they believe is right on students. On the other hand, the juveniles alwaysgo against the teacher's requirement with a rebellious heart.(一方面,老师把他们认为正确的东西强加给学生。另一方面,青少年总是怀着叛逆的心违背老师的要求。)
11、This is very hard for individual countries togo against those rules.(个别国家违背这些规则是很难的。)
12、If the standards need to be changed, or yougo against the standards in a particular case, document it!(如果需要更改标准,或者在特殊情况下需要违反标准,请对其加以记录!)
13、These kinds of price controlsgo against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.(这些价格控制违反了支持自由市场的自由主义者的所有金融原则。)
14、Changes are being made here whichgo against my principles and I cannot agree with them.(这里在被改变,这有悖我的原则,我不能同意。)
15、The attacker can automate togo against multiple sites at one time.(攻击者可以自动的在多个站点上进行测试。)
16、In the end, the people that are able togo against the grain of society are the truly great people in our world.(最后,和社会的期望背道而驰的人才是真正的伟人。)
17、Some people may not like it when yougo against the group but doing the right thing is rewarding.(不肯随大流,这可能让某些人恼恨不已,但正确的言行肯定会为你赢得尊重。)
18、I don't want togo against your will.(我不想违背您的意愿。)
19、That isn't togo against my suggestion to simply talk about your passions, especially to your boss.(这并不违背我的建议------简单的谈一下你的爱好,尤其是对你的老板。)
20、A player should nevergo against his/her sponsor's will.(运动员不应违背赞助商的意愿。)
21、Here's a little known confidence booster: when you follow your own path, especially when yougo against the grain.(以下是一个不出名的自信推进法。当你走自己的路时(即使你跟别人格格不入),你也会无比的兴奋。)
22、The DAOConfig object has the details of which server, port, database, view, and so on, togo against.(DAOConfig对象拥有访问所需的细节,比如哪个服务器、端口、数据库、视图,等等。)
23、The matter, which was a weighty one, was like togo against the English monarch by default.(这一重大事件,在一般情况下,似乎是对英国君主不利的。)
24、It is rare for individual markets togo against the trend.(很少有个别市场能幸免。)
25、We could take most of the principles individually and distort them somehow togo against the spirit of Agility.(我们可能单独的采用大部分原则,并将它歪曲为背离敏捷的精神。)