1、Take intestines of shrimps off, clean with oysters by salt, strain. Slice fish chop, tear crab sticks. Shred ginger, cutgreen onion into pieces.(虾仁去泥肠,和蚵仔用盐抓洗沥干,鱼板切片,蟹棒撕碎,姜切丝,葱切段。)
3、Saute shallots in 1/2 tbsp oil. Stir in sauce mix and heat through. Pour over fish steaks. Garnish with shreddedgreen onion.(用1/2汤匙油爆香干葱,下芡汁煮至热透,淋在鱼扒上,饰以葱丝。)
4、Ingredients : 300g Fresh Rice noodle, 12pcs Shrimp, 1pc Ham, 1/2pc Onion, somegreen onion, some Shredded Chili.(材料:鲜米粉半斤、虾12只、火腿1片、洋葱1/2个、葱适量、红辣椒丝适量。)
5、Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil andsome choppedgreen onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fishis done.(在出锅之前,加一小勺油和一些葱花及一勺酱油,清蒸鱼就做好了。)
8、You needgreen onion, sauce, 3slices of duck and some pancake. Then put duck, sauce andgreen onion into a pancake.(你需要把嫩洋葱,甜面酱,3片鸭肉片放在薄煎饼里。)
9、You needgreen onion and sauce.(你需要洋葱和酱。)
10、green onion Cakes - Impress your friends and family with this easy Oriental appetizer.(葱油饼-这道简单易做的点心,将让你的亲友们对你厨艺赞赏不绝!)
11、Cover withgreen onion and additional tomatoes, if desired.(随喜好在表面撒上青葱和番茄。)
12、You needgreen onion, sauce, slices of duck and some pancake.(你需要把嫩洋葱,甜面酱,鸭子片放在薄煎饼里。)
13、Chop thegreen onion, dice the carrots and beat the eggs lightly with chopsticks, add a dash of salt.(青葱切花,红萝卜切小丁,用筷子将鸡蛋打散,加入一小撮盐调味备用。)
14、Putgreen onion in a plastic bag. Keep in the fridge crisper drawer for 5 days.(把葱放入塑料袋,在冷藏室干燥屉内放5天。)
15、Sprinkle withgreen onion.(食用时,撒上葱花。)
16、Mix the minced meat, ginger andgreen onion, and then put them in the pan, keep frying the paste until you can smell the aroma.(把肉末、洋葱和葱花混合在一起,不停地翻炒,直到你闻到肉香。)
17、Do you likegreen onion in sandwiches?(你喜不喜欢三明治里有绿洋葱?)
18、While following the tradition, the restaurant made many changes in both the source and the side dishes. First,green onion shreds were removed.(首先去掉了葱丝,传统烤鸭搭配葱丝的目的是为了去腥,但是吃完之后口气不清新。) 【好工具hao86.com】
19、" Another dish called "cocktail of pan-fried food (modeum pajeon)" should simply be translated to, "assorted seafood andgreen onion pancake.(还有一道被称为“锅贴冷盘”的菜肴,其实应该翻译为“什锦海鲜葱煎饼”。)
20、green onion pancake that a large dry branded beauty that you can let cool and eat.(这种干烙葱油饼有一大妙处,那就是可以放凉了吃。)
21、The Zhangqiugreen onion has high, long, crisp, the sweet prominent characteristic.(章丘大葱有高、长、脆、甜的突出特点。)