1、As experienced by the dissimulator, the burden of effort may range from grin-and-bear-it at the easiest, through lip biting and muttering, to teeth-grinding determination at the most difficult.(对于伪善的人,做出努力的程度会从最简单的逆来顺受,到磨嘴皮,到轻声报怨,到最困难的咬牙切齿的决心。)
2、I know there are days when it just seems like nothing can go right and no matter how much you try togrin and bear it, things just keep getting worse.(我知道总有些日子让你觉得一无是处,不管你如何尝试着笑看人生或者勉强忍耐,有的日子好像总是变得更糟。)
3、For my dream I willgrin and bear it, without complaint.(为了这个梦想我要任劳任怨不再满腹牢骚。)
4、We all know the feeling: you receive the kind of gift that you wouldn't choose for yourself in a million years. But you have togrin and bear it pretending that you love your new present.(我们都有这样一种感触:当收到一件自己绝不会选择的礼物时,你仍要微笑接受并装作很喜欢这份新礼物的样子。)
5、You mustgrin and bear it.(你必须强颜忍受。)
6、They cannot stand the sight of each other, but they will just have togrin and bear it.(他们看都不想看对方一眼,但又不得不默默忍受。)
7、There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have togrin and bear it.(对此我们无能为力,只好默默地忍受。)
8、The Team Most Likely togrin and bear it: Bosnia and Herzegovina.(最有可能逆来顺受的球队:波黑。)
9、Ah, well,grin and bear it.(浅笑着承受吧!)
10、grin and bear it.(微笑着承受。)
11、I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes you just have togrin and bear it.(我尽量明智地去处理这件事,但是不是很容易呢。有时你只能无怨地承受它。) haO86.com
12、My boss sometimes makes insulting remarks but I justgrin and bear it rather than risk losing my job.(我的老板经常说些侮辱性的话,但我只是苦笑忍受了,不去冒失业的风险。)
13、Should I start looking for another job, or just try togrin and bear it? - Treading water?(我是否应该开始寻找下一份工作吗,还是该试着忍受现在这份工作呢?)
14、Or do you justgrin and bear it?(或者你只是在逆来顺受的工作?)