1、It is also a day to thank existing blood donors for the remarkable gift they make to those whose lives they have improved or saved, and to encourage new donors to commit.(它也是为现有献血者向他们已改善或拯救其生命的人们提供不平常的礼物向他们表示感谢和鼓励新献血者作出承诺的一天。)
2、This can be hard to pull off effectively and should only be attempted by those who reallyhave a gift for sarcasm.(这是很难做到,有效,并应只能由那些谁真正有一个讽刺礼物。)
3、Youhave a gift for knowing what will make another person feel better about the world and themselves.(你有一种天赋,知道什么会让别人对世界以及他们自己的感觉变得更好。)
4、Theyhave a gift for you.(他们有礼物给你。)
5、Caroline doesn'thave a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.(卡罗琳没有音乐天赋,但她通过努力学习弥补了这一缺陷。) (hao86.com好工具)
6、Ihave a gift for you.(我有一件礼物送给你。过来找找它。)
7、Many of themhave a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.(他们中的许多人拥有与兽共舞的天分,因而能赢得数千美元的奖金。)
8、Yes. Youhave a gift for music.(是的。你很有音乐天赋。?。)
9、Joe: Well, I think youhave a gift for it. It was a perfect blend of poetry and meanness.(乔:噢,我认为你有这方面的天赋。刚才真是诗意加卑劣啊。)
10、Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humanshave a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life.(另一个在20世纪提出的观点认为,人类有幻想的天赋,通过幻想,他们试图把现实重塑成比日常生活中遇到的更令人满意的形式。)
11、He doeshave a gift for picking the right stocks.(他确实是很有天赋,总知道该买什么股。)
12、C. I'm glad you like it so much. D. Youhave a gift for music, don't you?(在英语中,当别人给你赞扬时,常用表示感谢的话或非常高兴你喜欢它。)
13、We all know the feeling: you receive the kind of gift that you wouldn't choose for yourself in a million years. But you have to grin and bear it pretending that you love your new present.(我们都有这样一种感触:当收到一件自己绝不会选择的礼物时,你仍要微笑接受并装作很喜欢这份新礼物的样子。)
14、have a gift for languages, want to become an interpreter.(有语言天赋,想成为一名口译员。)
15、Youhave a gift for teaching.(你有教学的天赋。)
16、Jake: Oh, Steven, by the way, I forgot — Ihave a gift for Peter.(杰克:噢,史蒂文,顺便说一下,我差点忘了——我有个礼物送给彼得。)
17、The boy doeshave a gift for evasiveness.(这男孩有逃避的天赋。)
18、Yes, mom, I want to be a navigator, and Ihave a gift for that, you know it!(是的,妈妈,我想当个航海家,而且我有这个天赋,你知道的!)
19、Many of themhave a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.(他们中的许多人都有骑野马的才能,如果获胜就能赢得几千美元的奖金。)
20、Oh, Steven, by the way, I forgot — Ihave a gift for Peter.(噢,史蒂文,顺便说一下,我差点忘了我有个礼物送给彼得。)
21、That's good, your cooking is amazing and you reallyhave a gift for food.(真好,你的烹饪水平真惊人,你在食物方面真有天赋。)
22、Ll: We both know I wasn't really born yesterday. What I meant was that I have known you for so long that I can tell you are looking forward to a romantic Valentine's day gift.(我明白了,yousaidyouweren'tbornyesterday,是因为你觉得我肯定想要你送情人节礼物给我。)
23、As first time service, I would like tohave a gift for you: a poem from Mother Teresa, it will also be my epitaph when I die.(作为第一次为大家服务,我想送给大家一个礼物:特瑞莎修女的诗。我将其作为我的墓志铭。)
24、The dog was a gift from close family friend Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family", as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit".(这是狗是奥巴马的好朋友爱德华肯尼迪议员送给他的,爱德华肯尼迪议员说道这只狗对于奥巴马一家来说将会是一个完美的礼物,因为这种狗是一种说到做到和充满希望的动物。)
25、Ihave a gift for you. Go and find it.(我有一个礼物给你。去找到它吧。)
26、Most of the best lawyers and salespeople reallyhave a gift for persuasion.(大多数出色的律师和推销员都有劝说他人的天分。)
27、Some people seem tohave a gift for learning languages.(有的人四惠有学习语言的天赋。)