
have a bearing on造句

have a bearing on造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:04:22


have a bearing on造句

  • 1、The major construction projects mentioned in this Law refer to projects which are of great value to or have a vital bearing on the society.(本法所称重大建设工程,是指对社会有重大价值或者有重大影响的工程。)
  • 2、The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but alsohave a bearing on Hinayana.(中国的禅宗,一向自称“教外别传”,但是,其“牧牛喻”不仅来自大乘,而且与小乘也有关系。)
  • 3、These circumstances may or may nothave a bearing on your existence, but they are major shifts to the people who are peripherally involved or intimately affected by them.(这些环境也许或也许没有和你的存在相关,可是它们对于那些周围涉及或紧密影响到的人来说是重大转变。)
  • 4、It can be seen from the experiments to finish plates of stainless steel and other steels that the particle diameter and mixing percentage of iron particleshave a bearing on the finishing efficiency.(由不锈钢等平板的研磨实验中以看到:混入的铁粒子的粒径及其混合比例对加工效率影响很大。)
  • 5、According to industry experts, the move to bring down tobacco production by a significant chunk wouldhave a bearing on revenues of tobacco companies.(据业内专家称,此举措将使烟叶生产大大降低,对烟草公司的收入产生影响。) hAo86.com
  • 6、In intellectual property right infringe lawsuits, the judicial records oftenhave a bearing on evidence-gathering.(在知识产权侵权诉讼中,审判籍与取证问题往往具有牵连性。)
  • 7、The sector however does not operate in a vacuum and therefore faces a number of challenges thathave a bearing on the business transactions of the actors therein.(然而这个因素并不是在真空进行因此中小型企业在转型的过程中必然会面临很多挑战。)
  • 8、Sizable decisions like thishave a bearing on your partnership, and he's well aware.(像这样在做会影响到你的重大决定时,他清楚地意识到要与你讨论。)
  • 9、Therefore, SF6 density relay switch will have a direct bearing on the possibility of normal operation.(因此SF6密度继电器的好坏直接关系着开关是否能够正常运行。)
  • 10、Medical personnel were arriving on helicopters but boats bearing aid have been hampered by bad weather around the islands, which are about half a day's journey away from the port of Padang on Sumatra.(医务人员乘直升机到达该岛,而船载救援物资因恶劣天气而受阻,从苏门答腊岛巴东港来大约费了半天的周折。)
  • 11、The reuse of assets within the project can have a significant bearing on the project schedule, cost, and quality of the delivered system.(工程中资产的重新利用对于工程的时间进度表,成本,以及可交付系统的质量有十分重要的意义。)
  • 12、Theyhave a bearing on the employment rate of the graduates and on the social aueptence of the university.(它关系到毕业生的就业率,关系到社会对学校的认知度,更是学生面对众多高校的选择标准之一。)
  • 13、Lack of access to safe water, poor housing, and unsanitary conditions all have a strong bearing on the health of the mother and child.(缺乏安全用水、住房条件差以及不卫生条件都对母亲和儿童的健康有很大的影响。)
  • 14、What happens here willhave a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands.(这里发生的一切将对欧洲水稻生产的未来和南欧湿地的整体健康产生影响。)
  • 15、The ceramic tablewareshave a bearing on human body.(陶瓷食具是盛放食物的容器,与人体健康休戚相关。)
  • 16、But unlike what you see in a rear view mirror, things from your past exist only in your mind and usually have little bearing on your present.(但是并不像你在后视镜里看到的那样,过去的事情仅仅存在于你的心中,通常对你现在的生活没有多大影响。)
  • 17、Packing has a close bearing on sales. So our inner packaging must be attractive and helpful to the sales. You can have a look at it.(包装直接关系到产品的销售。所以我们的内包装必须具有吸引力,有利于促销。你可以看一下。)
  • 18、Some of these have little bearing on a standard Linux installation or don't directly affect the configuration file. Some important options you might need to adjust include the following.(有些对标准Linux安装几乎没有什么影响或不会直接影响配置文件。)
  • 19、Point Number one: the strategic cooperation between China and the EU will have a strong bearing on the future global pattern and international order.(首先,未来国际格局和秩序的塑造离不开中欧战略合作。)
  • 20、The selection of such significant assets may alsohave a bearing on the approach taken to developing the system under consideration.(如此重大资产的选择也可能对开发系统所采取的方法有重大影响。)
  • 21、One of the most significant encounters is Aston Villa's trip to Eastlands to face Manchester City in a match that will have a major bearing on the fight for fourth place.(当天最意义重大的比赛之一是阿斯顿·维拉做客城市球场面对曼城,将对第四之争产生重大影响。)
  • 22、Further in the future looms another big challenge for his party, one that couldhave a bearing on Mrs Merkel's future.(未来的绿党还面临着另外一个挑战,这个挑战可能会改变默克尔夫人的未来。)
  • 23、It's very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level, obsessing about daily details that have no bearing on your resume.(做一份个人简历非常不易,因为一份简历就是你的生平的宏观体现,而你的生活却是处在微观层面的,几乎包含了你所有的日常生活细节,而它们与你的简历根本无关。)
  • 24、We will revisit this topic a little later; if you want to take advantage of ESI caching, this willhave a bearing on the arrangement of the topology of your network.(我们稍后再讨论这个主题,如果您想利用ESI缓存,它可能会影响到您网络的拓扑结构。)
  • 25、Professor Peng Lan says that the number of new followers the students have amassed willhave a bearing on the results.(任课教师彭兰教授表示,新增加的粉丝量会成为一个考核标准。)
  • 26、Players in the tobacco industry have been arguing that it is an 18 month crop and planning should be done well in advance to avoid hasty preparations which wouldhave a bearing on production.(烟草从业公司一直认为,烟草是一种需要18个月的经营时间的作物,应该提前做好计划,以避免与产量有关系的准备工作仓促开展。)
  • 27、It will have a direct bearing on the matter under discussion.(这将和正在讨论的问题有直接关系。)

have a bearing on基本释义

have a bearing on

英 [hæv ə ˈbɛəriŋ ɔn] 美 [hæv e ˈbɛrɪŋ ɑn] 
与 ... 有关; 对 ... 有影响
