


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:42:39



  • 1、Rushing out one Saturday night, I reached for myhairbrush and accidentally brushed my eyeball.(在一个星期六的晚上,当我去取我梳头用的发刷的时候,我不小心刷到了自己的眼球。)
  • 2、Also included in the baby box are a snowsuit to keep baby Cambridge cosy, leggings, colourful romper suits, a hooded bath towel,hairbrush, nappy cream and a teething toy.(婴儿礼盒里还有保暖舒适的冬装、连体裤、彩色的连体套装,戴兜帽的浴巾、梳子、尿布霜和一个出牙玩具。)
  • 3、Amy picked up thehairbrush and brushed her hair once more.(艾米拿起梳子,又梳了一遍头发。)
  • 4、Yourhairbrush is too spiky for me.(你的发刷我觉得太尖了。) hao86.com
  • 5、Don't use yourhairbrush to brush your dog.(不要拿你自己的发刷来刷你的狗。)
  • 6、You may also find many hairs on your pillow in the morning or in yourhairbrush or comb.(您也可以找到许多毛发的枕头在上午或在您的发刷或梳子。)
  • 7、Why did you buy him ahairbrush ?(你干嘛给他买梳子?)
  • 8、I gave it a quick brush with myhairbrush.(我用发刷对它进行了一番迅速的梳理。)
  • 9、So I took the card off the tree and bought the doll andhairbrush for her and took it to the Salvation Army booth.(所以我就把卡片从树上拿下来了,给她买了那个娃娃和发刷,又把娃娃交到了救世军的摊位上。)
  • 10、He created an imaginary radio station in his tiny room with its torn vinyl flooring. Ahairbrush served as his microphone as he practiced his patter, introducing records to his ghost listeners.(就在他那间狭小的、铺着已经破损的地板革的房间里,他创建了一个假想的电台——用一把梳子当麦克风,他念经一般喋喋不休地练习用行话向他的“影子”听众介绍唱片。)
  • 11、For the hair root place machine, usable circularhairbrush to comb the hair again blow dry. But first installed in the strong heat blower gear, reoccupy cold wind blow.(对于发根处的头发,可用圆形发梳梳起头发再吹干。可先把吹风机设置在强热档位,再用冷风吹一下。)
  • 12、But lying in bed at night, or when he sees herhairbrush on the dressing table, or looks up from reading the newspaper ready to share a thought, he is overwhelmed with emptiness.(但一到晚上,躺在床上,看到她放在梳妆台上的梳子,看报纸想分享观点时,他总感觉空落落的。)
  • 13、A hairdresser needs ahairbrush and shampoo.(理发师需要发刷(梳子)和洗发水。)
  • 14、One of the CARDS was for a little girl, four years old, and all she wanted for Christmas was a doll with clothes and ahairbrush.(一张卡片是给一个小女孩儿的,她才四岁,圣诞节她就想要一个娃娃,配着衣服和发刷的。)
  • 15、Why did you buy him ahairbrush?He's as bald as a coot!(你干嘛给他买梳子?他头上光秃秃的,一根头发。)
  • 16、Ahairbrush served as his microphone as he energetically practiced speaking his masterpieces to his imaginary listeners.(他把梳子当麦克风,劲头十足地对着想象中的听众练习自己的杰作。)



英 [ˈheəbrʌʃ] 美 [ˈherbrʌʃ] 
