


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:42:39



  • 1、We had to return thehairdryer to the store because it was faulty.(我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。)
  • 2、I ask if he'll do an impression of Fergie's famous "hairdryer" blasting?(我问他对弗格森传说中的“电吹风”有什么感想?)
  • 3、Overusing one'shairdryer will dry out your hair.(过渡使用吹风机会使你的头发干枯。)
  • 4、Can you quickly use thehairdryer to dry my hair?(你可以快速的用吹风机吹干我的头发吗?)
  • 5、Do not usehairdryer while sleeping.(不要睡觉时使用吹风机。)
  • 6、Where can I plug in myhairdryer?(我在哪里能接上吹风机的电源?)
  • 7、I don't use ahairdryer.(我不使用电吹风。)
  • 8、Are there ahairdryer and an iron available?(有吹风机和熨斗可以用吗?)
  • 9、What's with the fancyhairdryer, and stuff?(那高级的吹风机和那些东西干什么用?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、I'm using ahairdryer now, as I type my spleen8.(就在我在键盘上宣泄自己的情绪之际,我还在使用吹风机呢。)
  • 11、I'll have to change the plug on myhairdryer.(我必须更换吹风机的插头。)
  • 12、We do have a Shared fridge, iron andhairdryer that guests may use.(不过如果您有需要,我们提供公用的冰箱熨斗和吹风机。)
  • 13、Can I exchange thishairdryer for another one?(我可以拿这支吹风机换另一支吗?)
  • 14、The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make yourhairdryer the most expensive one of all.(电费加上你的时间成本使你的电吹风很可能成为这其中最昂贵的一种。)
  • 15、The hairdresser habitually hangs thehairdryer on the hanger.(理发师习惯性地将吹风挂到挂钩上。)
  • 16、On ahairdryer: Do not use while sleeping.(一只吹风机上写道:不要在睡觉时使用。…)
  • 17、Does my room have ahairdryer?(房间里有吹风机吗?)
  • 18、Do you use ahairdryer?(你使用电吹风吗?)
  • 19、Yourhairdryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?(你的吹风机太热了。能麻烦请你调一下吗?)
  • 20、Start blowing air into the bag with thehairdryer.(开始用吹风机把空气吹进袋子里。)
  • 21、The mere rhythmic drone of a photocopier or the rumble from ahairdryer is enough to set her off.(复印机发出的有节奏的嗡嗡声或吹风机发出的隆隆声就足以使她发火。)
  • 22、The hairdresser hangs thehairdryer on the hanger .(我把外衣挂在衣架上。)



英 [ˈheədraɪə(r)] 美 [ˈherdraɪər] 
