
high school造句

high school造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:03:45


high school造句

  • 1、He dropped out of juniorhigh school.(他初中辍学了。)
  • 2、"Do you have any qualifications?"—"Yes, I'm certified to teachhigh school."(“你有资格吗?”—“有,我有资格教高中。”)
  • 3、Only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years afterhigh school, versus 45% of the class of 1972.(相对于1972届学生中有45%在中学毕业4年后获得了某种文凭来说,1982届学生的这一比例只有18.8%。)
  • 4、Jeff played intramural basketball inhigh school.(杰夫在中学时参加了校内篮球赛。)
  • 5、I meanhigh school is the best time.(我是说高中是最美好的时光。)
  • 6、The story is built around a group ofhigh school dropouts.(故事围绕着一群辍学的中学生展开。)
  • 7、He'd dropped out ofhigh school at the age of 16.(他16岁时就从高中退学了。)
  • 8、I like to think back tohigh school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.(我喜欢回想高中时,那时我可以一气吞下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。)
  • 9、He goes tohigh school.(他上高中。)
  • 10、We dated inhigh school.(我们高中时就约会了。)
  • 11、She attended Cranehigh school and got her GED from Jones Commercialhigh school.(她上了克兰高中并从琼斯商业高中获得了普通同等学历证书。)
  • 12、As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Seniorhigh school.(十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高级中学。)
  • 13、Ingrid is currently teaching mathematics at thehigh school.(英格丽德目前在那所中学教数学。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、Inhigh school, I was very unpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice.(在中学,我很不受欢迎,确实遇到了一点偏见。)
  • 15、They are Chinesehigh school students!(他们是中国的中学生!)
  • 16、The top one-third of allhigh school graduates are entitled to an education at California State University.(全部高中毕业生当中排名前三分之一的有资格到加利福尼亚州立大学学习。)
  • 17、Martha graduated fromhigh school two years ago.(玛莎两年前高中毕业。)
  • 18、Many entry-level jobs were filled byhigh school grads.(许多初级水平的工作被中学毕业生占满了。)
  • 19、When the boys graduated fromhigh school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.(男孩们中学毕业后安迁到了佛蒙特州的一座小镇。)
  • 20、At her oldhigh school in Hamilton, Ohio, she earned a 4.0 grade point average.(她之前在俄亥俄州哈密尔顿的高中学习,在那里得到了4.0的平均分。)
  • 21、Life athigh school wasn't a bundle of laughs.(高中生活并不是充满了笑声。)
  • 22、Through the AP programme students can earn college credits inhigh school.(通过大学预修课程计划,学生在中学就可以拿到大学的学分。)
  • 23、Anyhigh school student could tell you the answer.(随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。)
  • 24、Donald King is the principal of Dartmouthhigh school.(唐纳德·金是达特茅斯中学的校长。)
  • 25、Which middle school orhigh school did you study?(你曾经在哪所初中或是高中学习?)
  • 26、Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion fromhigh school.(她对权威的憎恨导致了她从高中被开除。)
  • 27、Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out ofhigh school.(研究显示父母离异的孩子更有可能在中学辍学。)
  • 28、More than five-thousandhigh school students have been expelled for cheating.(五千多名中学生因考试作弊而被开除。)
  • 29、He was educated at a coedhigh school.(他上的是男女同校的学校。)
  • 30、You're the headmistress of Oxfordhigh school for girls.(你是牛津女子中学的校长。)

high school基本释义

high school

英 [hai sku:l] 美 [haɪ skul] 
形容词: high-school 名词: highschooler