1、Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution tohelp oneself, is a disgrace.(贫穷不足为耻,但贫穷而不能自立才为耻。) 【hao86.com好工具】
2、Poverty is not sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution tohelp oneself is a disgrace.(贫穷不足为耻,穷而不知自立方为耻辱。)
3、I'm not surprised you haven't succeeded - irritation such as yours is a potent, chemical thing, and no amount of whipping oneself with birch sticks or platitudes from coaches is going to help.(对于你没能成功做到这一点,我并不感到惊讶——你的这种恼怒是一种强有力的化学物质,再多的自我鞭策、再多教练的陈词滥调都不会奏效。)
4、Because his parents cannot take care of our lifetime, only we study hard now, to help parents do household chores, you can reach more early learn to provide for oneself, ability is a decent man.(因为父母不能照顾我们一辈子,只有我们现在努力学习,多帮家长做力所能及的家务事,提早学会自理,才能是堂堂正正的人。)
5、Teacher, prefer to oneself again bitterness again tired, also want help those have difficulty of classmate.(教师,宁愿自己再苦再累,也要帮助那些有困难的同学。)
6、A piece of chart surpasses thousands of words: Development staff should be read not only and come true it, andhelp oneself and user dialog even with it.(一张图表胜过千言万语:开发人员不仅要阅读和实现它,而且还要用它来帮助自己和用户对话。)
7、Should one renounce Nirvana oneself, in order to help others towards it first?(人应该放弃自己的涅磐,为了首先帮助它人达到它?)
8、Translating by oneself with the help of the source language dictionary is the real translation.(用原文词典,从第一步起就自行翻译,才算是真正的翻译。)
9、Nobody can help me if I don't want tohelp oneself.(如果我自己不想帮自己,没有人能帮我。)
10、It is survival and even sacrifice of oneself to better help the survival;(这就是幸存者,甚至是要牺牲自己以更好的去帮助幸存者羸得比赛。)
11、If can play some odd jobs, to oneself is a big help.(如果能够打些零工,对自己的帮助也是很大的。)
12、Helping human tohelp oneself, Respecting the human value and dignity, Pursuing society's fair, is the value idea of Social Work.(社会工作的价值理念是助人自助,即尊重人的价值与尊严,追求社会的公平与公正。)
13、We are busy, we continuously let oneself favour we continuously let oneself tired, in fact just repair oneself heart of standing alone with help.(我们忙忙碌碌,我们不断让自己忙我们不断让自己累,其实只是补自己内心的孤独与无助。)
14、Though I do not belong to that kind of person, hope that can learn some things by oneself, canhelp oneself!(虽然我不是属于那类人,但仍希望自己可以学到些东西,可以帮助到自己!)
15、To those feebleminded people, an intelligence food had better be brought before dining next time dish the mouth that has run oneself in order to help .(对于那些意志薄弱的人,下次进餐前最好随身带上一个智能餐盘以帮助管好自己的嘴巴。)
16、The seismic region populace, between the family, the neighborhoodhelp oneself to rescue mutually particularly, is reduces when the earthquake personnel casualty's effective measure -.(震区群众,尤其是家庭、邻里之间的自救互救,是减少地震时人员伤亡的有效手段之—。)
17、Volunteerism is also characterized by a profound spirit of mutual-aid. Mutual-aid advocates philosophy of Help each other,help oneself.(志愿服务包含着深刻的互助精神,它提倡“互相帮助、助人自助”。)
18、One simply uses the symbol to reveal oneself to other believers, in the hope that they might help one with the Quest.(人们只是用这个标志向别的信徒展示自己,希望在探求途中得到帮助。)
19、It can help build a moral or ethical framework, andhelp oneself form an individual worldview.(阅读还能帮助建立道德的或合乎道德的体制,帮助人树立个人世界观。)
20、There are a lot of good doctor, for example, canhelp oneself.(做医生有很多好处,比如能帮自己治病。)