
Declaration of Independence造句

Declaration of Independence造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:33:34


Declaration of Independence造句

  • 1、Here was burned Thomas Jefferson, author of theDeclaration of Independence, of the statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and father of the University of Virginia.(这里安葬着托马斯·杰弗逊。他是《独立宣言》的起草人,《弗吉尼亚宗教自由法案》的起草人和弗吉尼亚大学的创始人。)
  • 2、In theDeclaration of Independence, the Founders didn't treat happiness as some fuzzy concept; they believed that people wanted happiness and had the right to pursue it.(在《独立宣言》中,起草人明确提出了幸福的概念;他们相信人民需要幸福并且有权利追求幸福。)
  • 3、When was theDeclaration of Independence adopted?(“独立宣言”是何时通过采用的?)
  • 4、Serbia says Kosovo'sDeclaration of Independence was illegal under international law.(塞尔维亚说,按照国际法,科索沃宣布独立是非法的。)
  • 5、Wondering what to do, ferreting in his bag, he found a copy of theDeclaration of Independence he had been given at the grocery store, and a light-bulb pinged on in his head.(不知道该干什么好,他在书包里搜出了一本杂货店伙计送给他的独立宣言,那一刻,灵感在他脑海里诞生了。)
  • 6、Kentucky teacher was quizzing her students. "Johnny, who signed theDeclaration of Independence?""(肯塔基的一位老师向学生提问。”约翰尼,谁签署了独立宣言?)
  • 7、The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition ofDeclaration of Independence.(法院认为,国际法中未包含禁止宣布独立的条款。)
  • 8、He badly wanted to return before July 5th, the 200th anniversary of Venezuela'sDeclaration of Independence.(他非常希望在七月五日之前返国,这一天是委内瑞拉宣布独立两百周年。)
  • 9、Of course it is. EveryDeclaration of Independence is a precedent.(这当然是一个先河--每次宣布独立都是先河。)
  • 10、The Council met at the request of Serbia Thursday in anticipation of Kosovo's expectedDeclaration of Independence Sunday.(科索沃预计将在这个星期天宣布独立。就此,安理会星期四应塞尔维亚的要求召开了会议。)
  • 11、Meanwhile, Serbia awaits a ruling from the ICJ on the legality of Kosovo'sDeclaration of Independence.(与此同时,塞尔维亚在等一份来自国际法院的关于科索沃宣布独立的合法性的裁决。)
  • 12、They set up an extra-legal Irish parliament called dail eireann and in January 1919, issued a UnilateralDeclaration of Independence and proclaimed an Irish Republic.(他们另建立了一个叫做daileireann的国会并在1919年1月,单方面宣布爱尔兰共和国成立。)
  • 13、One third have no idea when theDeclaration of Independence was signed.(三分之一的人不知道《独立宣言》是何时签署的。)
  • 14、Russian workers have staged a number of strikes in protest at the republic'sDeclaration of Independence.(俄罗斯工人已经举行了多次罢工,抗议该共和国宣布独立。)
  • 15、The decision came one day before the International Court of Justice was due to issue its advisory ruling on the legality of Kosovo's 2008Declaration of Independence.(这一决定于国际法庭就科索沃08年宣布独立之合法性给出咨询性裁决的前一天出炉。)
  • 16、Her poems on various subjects, religious and moral, were printed in Boston in 1773, three years before the signing of theDeclaration of Independence.(1773年,在《独立宣言》签署的三年前,她关于宗教和道德等各种主题的诗歌在波士顿出版。) (好工具hao86.com)

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