
decision on造句

decision on造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 21:03:55


decision on造句

  • 1、It will decide on the Weddell Sea sanctuary proposal at a conference in Australia in October, although adecision on the peninsula sanctuary is not expected until later.(在10月份澳大利亚召开的一次会议上将对威德尔海洋保护区的提议作出决定,不过之后才会对半岛保护区作出决定。)
  • 2、Russia'sdecision on fuel shipments was made before the NIE was published.(俄罗斯对燃料运送的决定产生于NIE公布之前。)
  • 3、Adecision on the money is expected in October.(关于资金的决定将于十月出台。)
  • 4、If you've never made a mistake, you've never made adecision on time.(如果你从未犯过错,那就说明你从未及时地做过决策。)
  • 5、This was a consciousdecision on our part.(我们作此决定是清醒的。)
  • 6、The finaldecision on who is going to Europe lies completely with the Spanish club.(最终谁将去欧洲完全由这家西班牙俱乐部决定。)
  • 7、Take this list and make adecision on every aspect of your life.(——按照清单,在你人生中的各个方面做决定。)
  • 8、Mydecision on which book to read is based on my own somewhat random logic.(我会根据一种特别的逻辑来决定要去读哪一本,这种逻辑带点随机性。)
  • 9、We need adecision on this by next week.(我们得在下周前就这一问题作出决定。)
  • 10、We'll make adecision on that further down the line.(我们将在以后的阶段对此问题作出决策。)
  • 11、The court overturned thatdecision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.(法庭以起诉方拒绝出示关键证据为由推翻了那个判决。)
  • 12、Who am I supposed to contact for getting a finaldecision on this matter?(我应该和谁联系来解决这件事情呢?)
  • 13、I have not yet given [rendered] mydecision on that matter.(对于此事我还没有作出决定。)
  • 14、Justice Ministry officials say they hope adecision on whether to bring charges against the Israeli leader will be announced Sunday.(司法部官员说,他们希望星期天能宣布是否对以色列领导人提出指控的决定。)
  • 15、Adecision on whether the high court will hear the case is pending.(对于是否由高级法院听审这个案件的决定尚未作出。) hao86.com
  • 16、The finaldecision on the competition results will be made on June 26th, the Anti Drug Day.(对比赛的结果将于6月26日的禁毒日那天做出最终决定。)
  • 17、He now realized that it had been a baddecision on his part.(他现在意识到是他作了一个不恰当的决定。)
  • 18、He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing hisdecision on Monday.(他发表了简短生硬的声明,说他正和同事商讨自己的未来,并说将于星期一宣布他的决定。)
  • 19、Many people didn't accept Meiyu'sdecision on education in 2013.(很多人不接受2013年梅雨关于教育的决定。)
  • 20、Something like “How soon will you make adecision on whom you plan to hire?(比如说,“你们决定录用一个人的时间要多长?”)
  • 21、She told the court she would give a full explanation of the prosecution'sdecision on Monday.(她告诉法庭她将在星期一就控方的决定做出详尽的解释。)
  • 22、Who makes adecision on whether a service can be accessible to other applications?(由谁决定服务是否向其他应用程序公开?)
  • 23、Opel was supposed to make a purely commercialdecision on its buyer.(欧宝公司的商业决策应该完全是为买家而制定的。)
  • 24、Still, Mr Obama has at last made his bigdecision on Afghanistan.(奥巴马最终还是做出了对阿富汗的重大决定。)

decision on基本释义