


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:49:40



  • 1、What would a software platform look like if it was designed from scratch with the primary goal ofdependability?(如果一开始就以可靠性为主要目标而全新设计一个软件平台,那这个平台将会是什么样子的呢?)
  • 2、Blue can also symbolize trust anddependability.(蓝色还可以象征信任和可靠性。)
  • 3、Also be next ITER thedependability analysis of other system and important part provides example.(也为下一步iter其他系统及重要部件的可靠性分析提供范例。)
  • 4、Marriages are built on a foundation of responsibility,dependability and predictability.(婚姻的基础应该具备责任心、可靠性和可预见性。)
  • 5、The most important problem of the watt-hour meter isdependability and precision.(对电能表来说最重要的问题是可靠性和精度。)
  • 6、The system has advantages of simple structure, low cost, highdependability.(系统具有结构简单、价格低、可靠性高等优点。)
  • 7、Thedependability of estimates also depends on the ability of an organization to consistently deliver results; i.e., its maturity.(评估同样依赖于组织一致地交付产品的能力,即组织的成熟度。)
  • 8、To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity,dependability and trust.(要缔造幸福的婚姻,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。)
  • 9、It has advantages of simple manipulation and gooddependability.(该智能排警器具有操作方便、性能可靠等优点。)
  • 10、The systematic network security is strengthened too,dependability is ensured.(系统的网络安全性得到增强,可靠性得到保障;)
  • 11、It has advantages of simple manipulation and gooddependability is fit for barn and home for the sake of safety.(该智能报警器具有操作方便,性能可靠等优点,是一种适合仓库及住家环境的安全防范设施。)
  • 12、This provides flexibility anddependability in any design application.(这为在任何设计中的应用灵活性和可靠性。)
  • 13、Fordependability, security of the power plant and transformer substation with DC system, offer effective measuring and maintenance means.(为发电厂和变电站直流系统的可靠性、安全性,提供有效的检测和维护的手段。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 14、The focusing mechanism was running handiness in highdependability, also having preferable the ability for anti-vibrancy and anti-impingement.(同时该调焦机构具有运行平稳、轻便、和可靠性高等特点,并且具备较好的抗振、抗冲击的能力。)
  • 15、The experiment shows that the method has high control accuracy, gooddependability, easy operation and strong practicability.(实验结果表明该方法控制精度高,可靠性好,操作方便,实用性强。)
  • 16、The system has advantages of simple structure, low cost and highdependability.(该系统具有结构简单、价格低和可靠性高等优点。)
  • 17、Corrosion resistant 304 stainless steel body for long life fielddependability.(耐腐蚀304不锈钢阀体,使用寿命更长,现场应用更可靠。)
  • 18、The serial communication between DSP and PC based on GPRS has the advantages of simpleness, good practicability and highdependability.(基于GPRS的DSP与PC机串行通信技术具有简单、实用性好、可靠性高等优点。)
  • 19、The Colt brand was now recognized worldwide through savvy promotion and was associated with quality anddependability.(柯尔特品牌通过精明的推广,已被全世界所认知并被视作质量与可靠的体现。)
  • 20、How pleased are you with thedependability (how often they need repairs) of your hearing AIDS?(你对你的助听器的可靠程度(是否经常需要维修)有多满意?)
  • 21、This BLCDM control system has the characteristic of simple structure, highdependability, and can be used in many fields.(同时,该系统还具有结构简单、可靠性高等特点,具有广泛的应用前景。)
  • 22、Toyota went for what really mattered:dependability, with ads featuring moms driving through the rain to pick up their kids from school.(丰田偏爱真正重要的东西:可靠,这通过广告中一位去接孩子放学的母亲开着车在雨中穿梭体现出来。)
  • 23、Redundancy anddependability give the cloud another edge.(冗余性和可靠性给了云另一个优势。)
  • 24、Navy Blue clothing demands respect. It also conveys a feeling of loyalty, integrity, anddependability.(深蓝服装容易赢得尊重。同时也传达着忠实、诚信和可靠。)
  • 25、Description of a key needsdependability.(标志的描述需要可靠。)
  • 26、This thesis is focused on the research of the models, approaches and tools ofdependability evaluation in computer cluster systems.(论文在机群系统的可信性评价的模型、方法和工具方面进行了研究。)
  • 27、Also it's rational redundant structure improves thedependability of the system.(采用了合理的冗余结构,提高了系统的可靠性。)
  • 28、Two sets of brake devices a hand brake and foot pedal brake assure the machine's safety anddependability.(手刹车和脚刹车两套制动装置,保证机器的安全性和可靠性。)



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