
do the laundry造句

do the laundry造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:10:36


do the laundry造句

  • 1、How did theydo the laundry without washing machines?(没有洗衣机他们怎么洗衣服?)
  • 2、He knows I've been meaning todo the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer.(他知道我打算洗衣服的,也许他会觉得我掉进洗衣机里了吧。)
  • 3、When shall wedo the laundry?(我们什么时候洗衣服?)
  • 4、Do you like todo the laundry?(你想做洗衣服的活吗?)
  • 5、I got up at noon today, after lunch, I spent two hours todo the laundry. The weather is cold today.(今天中午起的床,吃了午饭,花了两个小时把数周积累的一些厚衣物清洗了。今天天气很冷。)
  • 6、My mom doesn'tdo the laundry, either.(我妈妈也没有洗衣服。)
  • 7、I hate todo the laundry.(我讨厌洗衣服。) hAo86.com
  • 8、Not really. I was just going todo the laundry.(不怎么忙,我正准备洗衣服。)
  • 9、He has asmuch of an obligation to clean the house as you do, so tell him to stopcomplaining anddo the laundry.(尤其是你有孩子后,他同你一样都有责任收拾房子,所以告诉他停止抱怨,洗衣服去。。)
  • 10、Don'tdo the laundry yourself, I'll do it.(你不用亲自洗衣服,让我来。)
  • 11、I have todo the laundry.(我得洗衣服。)
  • 12、I taught Emma todo the laundry.(我教艾玛洗衣服。)
  • 13、We have todo the laundry.(我们必须洗衣服了。)
  • 14、No, I have to stay home anddo the laundry.(不,我必须留在家里洗衣服。)
  • 15、I have todo the laundry myself.(我必须自己洗衣服。)
  • 16、Anna: Sorry, Carlo, I have todo the laundry now.(安娜:对不起,卡洛,我得去洗衣服了。)
  • 17、That's my good girl. The clothes need washing. I'lldo the laundry.(真是我的好女儿!这些衣服该清洗了,我要去把它们洗一洗。)
  • 18、Hey, why don't i just skip camp today and help youdo the laundry?(嘿要不我不去露营了我去帮你洗衣服?)
  • 19、You need to unwind and shift gears before you start supper ordo the laundry.(你需要在晚饭和其他务之前好好放松。)
  • 20、Ido the laundry once a week.(我一星期洗两次衣服。)
  • 21、Whose turn is it todo the laundry?(轮到谁来洗衣服?)
  • 22、For example, they had medo the laundry, the dishes and the house cleaning.(例如,他们会叫我洗衣服、洗碗盘和打扫家里。)
  • 23、You have to helpdo the laundry today.(你今天得帮忙洗衣服。)
  • 24、At six. In the meantime, you cando the laundry.(六点。在此同时你可以洗衣服。)

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