
electric current造句

electric current造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:31:16


electric current造句

  • 1、They are switches that enable oneelectric current to control the passage of another.(它们以开关的方式工作,使得一个通路中的电流可以控制另一通路中的电流。)
  • 2、They found that protons do flow steadily across the nanotube, carrying anelectric current.(他们发现,质子流稳定通过碳纳米管,形成电流。)
  • 3、The message wasreproduced at the receiving station on electrochemically sensitivepaper, which left a blue mark when anelectric current was passedthrough it.(在电化学感光纸的接收站可将信息再次生成。当电流通过感光纸会留下一带蓝色的印记。)
  • 4、Forcing anelectric current across that junction causes the metal on one side to heat up, and the metal on the other side to cool down.(电流通过中间的调节器,使其一端的金属升温,并使另一端的金属降温。)
  • 5、A household radiator absorbs energy in the form ofelectric current and releases it in the form of heat.(家用暖气以电流的形式吸收能量,然后以热量的形式将其释放出去。)
  • 6、Michael Faraday discovered in 1831 that anelectric current flowing in a wire induces a secondary current in a neighbouring wire.(1831年,迈克尔·法拉第(MichaelFaraday)发现,在一根电线内流动的电流会在邻近的一根电线内产生次级电流(secondarycurrent)。)
  • 7、In the winter, ECC can be heated by passing anelectric current through it, thereby preventing ice buildup.(在冬天,ECC可以通过电流加热,从而防止结冰。)
  • 8、Anelectric current has caused heat around the tip.(通过电流加热针的尖端。)
  • 9、If electric wiring is shorting out, shut off theelectric current at the main box.(如果电线短路,请在主控箱切断电源。)
  • 10、In the case of harnessing vibrations, Chandrakasan and his colleagues use piezoelectric materials, which produce anelectric current when subjected to mechanical pressure.(至于在约束振动上,切卓卡山和他的同事们使用了压电体,在经受力的作用下,它可以产生电流。)
  • 11、Traditional fuel cells work by using a catalytic material to oxidise a fuel, such as hydrogen, and make anelectric current flow between two electrodes.(传统的燃料电池是通过催化材料(比如氢)来氧化燃料,然后使两电级间产生电流。)
  • 12、Theelectric current triggers the area to produce chemicals that cause brain cells to develop or change.(这些电流促使思维区域分泌使大脑细胞生长或变异的化学物质。)
  • 13、But, since everyone was interested in havingelectric current soon, we even convinced our husbands!(但是,自从每个人都即将通电感兴趣之后,我们甚至说服了自己的丈夫。)
  • 14、Creating a magnetic field using electricity is easy: anelectric current flowing in a wire generates a magnetic field around that wire.(用电流产生磁场容易:当电流在金属线圈流动时,磁场也随之产生。)
  • 15、Then a turbine began to run inside a small, redbrick hall at Tofte, a few kilometres south-west of Oslo, andelectric current emerged.(接着,离奥斯陆西南几公里远的托夫特的一个红砖小房里,涡轮机开始运转,于是电流就产生了。)
  • 16、Solar panels generate electricity by converting photons (packets of light energy) into anelectric current.(太阳能电池板通过将光子(光的能量包)转化为电流来发电。)
  • 17、electric current is a flow of atomic particles called electrons.(电流是由叫做电子的微粒流动而形成的。)
  • 18、This movement of charged ions, when the eel is in a conductive solution like water, creates anelectric current.(当鳗鱼在像水一样的导电溶液中,这种带电的离子便会产生电流。)
  • 19、A keyboard was linked to rotors, powered by anelectric current, which transposed every keystroke several times.(它的键盘与电流驱动的转子相连,在每次击键时,转子会多次转换。)
  • 20、An electric field created by adding impurities to the silicon splits the electron-hole pairs apart, which results in anelectric current.(给分离的硅参入杂质电子区域就产生电子空穴对分离从而形成电流。)
  • 21、This forces the freed electrons to travel to the second electrode through a wire, creating anelectric current.(而自由电子则通过一条导线移动至第二电极,从而产生电流。)
  • 22、Similarly, moving a magnet creates anelectric current in a neighbouring wire.(同样,移动磁体也可以使线圈中产生电流。)
  • 23、Typically, anelectric current breaks the water down.(我们通常都用电流来分解水。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 24、A powerfulelectric current is passed through a piece of graphite.(一股强大的电流被传导经过一块石墨。)
  • 25、When the device is switched on the nanotubes carry anelectric current with a power of about 300 microwatts.(当我们打开装置的开关后,这些碳纳米管就带有约为300微瓦能量的电流。)
  • 26、The Pope checks the clock while another C.O. mans the switch that activates theelectric current into the chair.(狱长看了看钟,另一名狱警已在控制室就位,准备随时拉动开关接通到电椅的电流。)
  • 27、Piezoelectric crystals produce anelectric current when bent and have many USES - the igniter on a gas barbecue grill being one of them.(压电晶体在发生弯曲时能够产生电流,并且已有很多用途——燃气烧烤的点火器就是其中之一。)

electric current基本释义

electric current
