1、Garland, made, beautiful fragrant baldric, woman scramble to wear to flooding,dysentery.(制成花环、佩饰,美丽芬芳,妇人争相佩戴,用以驱瘴。)
2、Objective To diagnose, cure and control an outbreak of bacillarydysentery in laboratory rhesus monkey colony.(目的诊断、治疗及控制我所实验恒河猴猴群暴发的细菌性痢疾。)
3、Some digging around in historical records revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that time, especiallydysentery.(一些历史记录显示,当时水源性疾病的发病率发生了变化,尤其是痢疾。)
4、The story does not shy away from depicting the harrowing details of the campaign, down to thedysentery and malaria.(此片对悲惨的战斗细节刻画的淋漓尽致,对痢疾和疟疾场面也毫不避讳。)
6、He has been attacked withdysentery for three days.(他患痢疾已经三天了。) hao86.com
7、Most women brave enough to set out on such an adventure might come back with a diary they'd be obliged to call Eat, Pray,dysentery.(大多数女人都勇敢地开始这么一段奇遇之旅,可是回来后只能不情愿地写下一篇名为“吃,祈祷与痢疾”的日记。)
8、One of these the plasmodium causes malaria. other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebicdysentery.(虐原虫就是其中的一种,引起虐疾。别的原虫引起嗜睡症和阿米巴痢疾。)
9、Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillarydysentery.(适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。)
10、Conclusion: The treatment with Simo Decoction for toxic type bacillarydysentery in children is effective and safe.(结论:四磨汤口服液辅助治疗儿童中毒型细菌性痢疾方便、安全、有效。)
11、However, there are no blue flag awards here – just the smell ofdysentery in the morning.(然而这里的海滩上没有蓝旗志愿者(译者注:蓝旗志愿者是保持海滩清洁的环保组织),在早晨只有痢疾的气味。)
12、"Worryingly,dysentery caused by this particular isolate is currently untreatable," said Mark Toleman, one of the authors.(“令人担忧的是,有这种特殊细菌引发的痢疾目前是无法医治的,”MarkToleman说,他是该报告的作者之一。)
13、dysentery is an infectious disease. If left untreated,dysentery can be fatal.(痢疾是一种传染病。如果不治疗,痢疾可能致命。)
14、Some cases ofdysentery were reported by state media.(国家媒体已经报导有痢疾出现。)
15、She has been debilitated bydysentery.(她让痢疾搞得身体非常虚弱。)
16、Bacillarydysentery (shigellosis) caused by shigella bacteria may be mild or may be sudden severe and fatal.(细菌性痢疾,又称为志贺氏菌病,由志贺氏菌属细菌引起,轻症者症状轻微,重者突然发病,症状严重,可致命。)
17、Before her birth, her mother had lost a child each todysentery, cholera, malaria.(在她出生前,她有三位兄姐分别夭折于痢疾,霍乱和疟疾。)
18、The team also found the gene had spread to bacteria that cause cholera anddysentery.(该小组同时发现,该基因已经传播到了引起霍乱和痢疾的病菌中。)
19、Result 18 patients with toxic bacteriumdysentery were all cured. Leaving no sequela.(结果18例中毒型细菌性痢疾全部治愈,未遗留任何后遗症。)
20、The Chinese claim that Pu-er also can lower blood alcohol after drinking, preventdysentery, and stimulate secretions from the spleen and other organs.(中国人称,普洱茶还可以降低酒后血液中的酒精含量,防止痢疾,刺激脾以及其他器官的的分泌。)
21、The fruit is widely used in Ayurveda which is considered as a remedy for constipation, diarrhea,dysentery and common cold.(果实在印度中医里应用广泛,用于治疗便秘、腹泻、痢疾和感冒。)
22、Physicians have used newly discovered organic chemicals successfully to treat malaria, typhoid,dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis.(医生们采用新发现的有机药物治疗疟疾、伤寒、赤痢、风湿性关节炎。)
23、It was first used as a treatment fordysentery by apothecaries, then as a luxury drink, the juice mixed with snow.(最初,它被药剂师用来治疗痢疾;后来,石榴汁和雪的混和物,被当作一种高贵的饮料。)
24、dysentery, malaria: During his military campaigns, Jackson suffered from bothdysentery and malaria.(痢疾,疟疾:在他的军事战斗中,杰克逊遭受着痢疾和疟疾两种疾病之苦。)
25、If had with a little salt, it effectively treatsdysentery too.(如果加点盐一起吃,还能有效治疗痢疾。)
26、It says people are at risk of getting ill and dying from waterborne diseases includingdysentery and diarrhea.(人们面临着染上疾病和死于包括痢疾,腹泻等水传染性疾病的危险。)
27、Iodoquinol and chloroquine are often used to treat amoebicdysentery.(双碘喹啉和氯喹常用于治疗阿米巴痢疾。)
28、They pollute food and water and bring many illnesses, such asdysentery and skin diseases.(它们污染我们的食物和水,并给我们带来疾病。比如痢疾,和皮肤病。)