


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:46:57



  • 1、Not only was Ientranced by her awesomeness, but I now have a new favorite catchphrase.(我不仅对她的优秀感到痴迷,现在我又多了一句最喜欢的名言警句。)
  • 2、During all this time the shepherd stoodentranced.(牧羊人一直是神态恍惚地站著。)
  • 3、I don't know what he has in his mind. Anyway he isentranced in thought.(我不知道他脑子里面在想些什么,但无论如何他都想得出神了。)
  • 4、We enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their business.(我们喜欢盯着它们,出神地看它们自顾自地忙碌。)
  • 5、He listened to the storyentranced.(他听那个故事听得入了迷。)
  • 6、Are youentranced with the story?(你现在正在入迷读一个故事么?)
  • 7、entranced, he was silent for a long space, spellbound.(他入迷了,着魔了,沉默了很长一段时间。) hao86.com
  • 8、He wasentranced by the painting.(他看这幅画儿都看得入神了。)
  • 9、This was my first picture-book, and I wasentranced by it.(这是我第一本图画书,它让我深深着迷。)
  • 10、She wasentranced to see him perform.(他表演时她看得出了神。)
  • 11、George satentranced with his own picture.(乔治盯着自己的画出神。)
  • 12、We wereentranced at the beautiful sight.(我们被这美丽的景色迷住了。)
  • 13、Her beautyentranced him.(她的美使他神魂颠倒。)
  • 14、The children watchedentranced as the circus animals performed.(马戏团的动物表演时,孩子们都看得出神。)
  • 15、You could hear a pin drop, they were soentranced.(周围静的掉一根针都能听见,他们非常入迷。)
  • 16、He isentranced by the kindness of her smile.(她善意的微笑令他着迷。)
  • 17、The scenic beauty of the placeentranced [fascinated] the visitors.(这里的美丽风光把游客们迷住了。)
  • 18、They wereentranced with the performance.(他们完全被演出吸引住了。)
  • 19、He listened to her,entranced.(他听她讲话听得出了神。)
  • 20、As soon as I met Dick, heentranced me because he has a lovely voice.(我一见到迪克,他就使我着迷,因为他有好听的嗓音。)
  • 21、The Mole was bewitched,entranced, fascinated.(鼹鼠痴了,迷了,醉了。)
  • 22、When I was younger I wasentranced with stories of magic.(在我年轻的时候,我就对魔法故事深深着迷。)
  • 23、Barbieentranced Europe in 1961 and now sells in 150 countries.(芭比娃娃于1961年进入欧洲市场,现在已经在150个国家有售。)
  • 24、Bewitched by the patter of a perfume merchant,entranced by the pink and gold of these scented flasks.(他被一个香水商人的甜言蜜语迷住了,又被这些粉红色和金色的香味瓶迷住了。)
  • 25、Whatever the explanation, birdwatchers areentranced.(无论什么样的解释,鸟类观察者们都是被允许的。)
  • 26、A man was made until the last breathentranced life, this is really lucky.(一个人被工作弄得神魂颠倒直至生命的最后一息,这的确是幸运。)
  • 27、The singerentranced the audience with his enchanting voice.(那歌星的迷人歌声使听众神魂颠倒。)



英 [en'trɑ:nst] 美 [en'trɑ:nst] 
