1、environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome.(对环境的关心也被可能是恼人的。)
2、A few years later, we began seeing ads tapping into people'senvironmental concerns.(几年后,我们开始看到广告宣传在利用人们对于环境的关注。)
3、In addition to health andenvironmental concerns, my primary reasons for being a vegetarian is animal rights and spirituality.(除了健康与环境方面的考虑之外,我之所以会成为素食主义者的主要原因,是动物权利以及精神状态。)
4、While cleaner than fossil fuels, man-made steam faces its ownenvironmental concerns, primarily the threat of small, man-made earthquakes.(尽管比化石燃料更清洁,人造蒸汽也有自身的环境问题,主要是人为导致的小型地震的威胁。)
5、Sewer museum officials around Europe say they're flush with visitors now thanks in part toenvironmental concerns.(欧洲各个下水道博物馆的管理人员都表示,现在他们那儿是游客盈门,这在一定程度上要归功于环境问题引发的忧虑。)
6、A lot ofenvironmental concerns have been raised about nuclear power plants.(核能发电厂的兴建引发了许多有关自然环境的担忧。)
7、In this installment and the preceding one, I've discussedenvironmental concerns and impacts on emergent design.(在这一期和上一期,我介绍了环境因素及其对紧急设计的影响。)
8、Wastefulness does not just affect a company's bottom line, it createsenvironmental concerns, the report says.(报告还表明浪费不仅影响到公司的基本运营,还会带来环境方面的问题。)
9、Perhaps more pressing, though, areenvironmental concerns.(不过,这些环境问题或许更为迫切。)
10、For all their enthusiasm, however, the prospectors face obstacles, among them regulation andenvironmental concerns.(这些勘探者虽然满腔热忱,但也面临诸多障碍比如开采许可规章和环境因素。)
11、Coal, another major competitor of renewables, remains expensive and is facing increasing scrutiny overenvironmental concerns.(煤炭,可再生能源的另一个主要竞争者,仍然很昂贵,并且正面临着日益增加的与环境有关的仔细检查。)
12、environmental concerns have spurred dramatic improvements in the way waste is managed in many countries.(在许多国家人们对环境的关注已经促使废品的处理方式产生了极大的改进。)
13、Despiteenvironmental concerns, the drive to build on the island appears unstoppable - and has high-profile supporters.(尽管牵涉环境,在此岛建设中好像停不下来—而且有高调的支持者。)
14、Refactoring is obviously an important tool for emergent design - one that entails both mechanical andenvironmental concerns.(重构显然是紧急设计的一个重要工具—同时考虑机制和环境因素。)
15、Earnestenvironmental concerns are also starting to flip well-worn phrases on their heads.(热切关注的环境问题也开始翻动那些耳熟能详的短语。)
16、Sooty Manchester witnessed the birth of modernenvironmental concerns thanks to the scientist Robert Angus Smith.(多亏有了科学家罗伯特·安格斯·史密斯,煤烟笼罩下的曼彻斯特才能目睹现代环保思想的诞生。) (好工具hao86.com)
17、Butenvironmental concerns may still sink the effort: Critics warn of industrialized coastlines and harm to sea life.(但环境问题仍可能下沉的努力:批评工业化海岸线和海洋生物危害警告。)
18、Beekeepers as potential Allies. They are often more aware ofenvironmental concerns than.(他们往往比其他人更多的认识到环境的问题,也可能真正关心他们养的蜜蜂。)
19、The chemicals that have been used in this process have causedenvironmental concerns.(该化学物质,被用来在这一过程中造成环境问题。)
20、High energy prices andenvironmental concerns will also contribute to fuel cell commercialization activity and market gains.(高能量的价格和环境影响将对燃料电池商业化活动和市场收益起到促进作用。)
21、The interest in composting has been sparked anew with the revival of grass-rootsenvironmental concerns of the last several years.(随着最近几年草根环境意识的复苏,对堆肥的兴趣被重新激发起来了。)
22、And their use of more herbicides to fight the weeds is sparkingenvironmental concerns.(他们施用更多的除草剂对抗杂草会导致环境问题。)
23、Atomic energy also generates someenvironmental concerns that aren't discussed as often in the media.(原子能源还会制造一些媒体很少提到的环保问题。)
24、Beyond digital culture,environmental concerns have helped color the dictionary green.(除了网络文化之外,环境问题也让词典有了更多环保气息。)