fade out造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:30:12


fade out造句

  • 1、Even if youfade out of my life, but still occupy my memory.(即使你淡出我的生命,却仍然占据我的记忆。)
  • 2、These justfade out on shallow beaches, so the whale doesn't hear an echo and it crashes onto the shore.(这些声音在浅滩上逐渐消失,所以鲸鱼没有听到回声,就撞到了岸边。)
  • 3、It gives me a nice effect when the stonesfade out and the grass starts growing.(当渲染中石子淡出,青草开始长出的时候,渲染效果确实不错。)
  • 4、Fixed a possibility of the loading screen failing tofade out after loading when skipping tutorial.(固定的可能性的加载屏幕没有淡出后加载时,跳过教程。)
  • 5、the last glimpse of color tofade out before bedtime.(——亦是入眠之时眼前消逝的最后一抹色彩。)
  • 6、Will the lusterfade out after some time?(时间久了会失去光泽吗?)
  • 7、Yep. Of course, they only bounce so far. If the tunnel is long enough, even FM stationsfade out until you come out the other end.(是的,他们只会反弹得更远。如果隧道够长,FM的信号会直到你从隧道那一头终点出来时才消失。)
  • 8、They also allfade out really easily.(他们也很容易淡出。)
  • 9、Likewise, when these sourcesfade out of the online debate, they will drop back down the results rankings, allowing other hot views and opinions to bubble to the surface.(同样地,当这些来源淡出了网络的讨论,它们将会在结果排名上跌回来,其他热门的观点和意见便泡沫一样浮出表面。)
  • 10、Rainbow pieces have a lifetime, so the graduallyfade out to be replaced by new rainbow pieces.(彩虹段有生命期,所以用新的彩虹段替换原来的,产生逐渐淡化的效果。)
  • 11、User reaches bottom of page. Elementsfade out?(用户到页面底部。元素的淡出?)
  • 12、Basically, we repeat those steps over a few times,fade out the layer, do it again with another one, and you’ll get some small smoky waves like this.(基本上,我们将这样的步骤重复几次,将图层变淡,对于另外一个也应用同样的步骤,你就会得到如下图的效果。)
  • 13、'the choice before the ex-King is either tofade out from the public eye or be a nuisance,' he said.(“前国王有两个选择:要么从公众视线里消失,要么当一个眼中钉,”他说。)
  • 14、"Most likely, " says Innosight's Anthony, "the GE appliance brand willfade out and disappear."(Innosight的安东尼表示:“GE的家电品牌很可能会慢慢衰落直至消失。”)
  • 15、You can set the timer to turn the audio off after whatever amount of time suits you, and you can make itfade out quietly.(你可以设置定时器来根据自己需要随时关掉声音,你还可以让它安静地渐渐隐去。)
  • 16、If you tend tofade out on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice up your lagging routine.(如果你周末容易放松自己的训练计划,安排一些和朋友们一起进行的有趣的活动,给自己单调呆板的健身活动增添趣味。)
  • 17、Then, the window button and titlefade out, and the Twitter panel fades in.(然后,窗口按钮和标题淡出,Twitter面板逐渐淡入。)
  • 18、Had obviously I do not know love you love. Perhaps now, I had tofade out of your world, but you are still hovering in the sky.(曾经明明是你深爱着不懂爱的我。也许现在,我早已淡出你的世界,可你却还在我的天空中徘徊。)
  • 19、The second tooltip, for the TestInput HTML element, formats the content with some markup, and specifies the fade in andfade out times (in seconds).(第二个工具提示用在TestInputHTML元素上,它的内容需要用一些标记进行格式化,并指定淡入和淡出时间(以秒为单位)。)
  • 20、Depending on the circumstance or person, you can let themfade out of your life or you can kindly tell them that you need a break for your own well-being.(根据情况,根据其人,你可以让他们淡出你的生活,或善意的告知,为了你个人的原因需要与其分开一段。)
  • 21、So if entrepreneurs don't necessarilyfade out with age, what about regular workers?(那么如果企业家们不一定会因为年纪太大而落伍那么一般的员工们呢?)
  • 22、Move the mouse around into various Windows to see the focus designator track across your display and graduallyfade out.(在各个窗口中到处移动鼠标,查看跨越显示屏跟踪的焦点指示器和淡出效果。)
  • 23、Step 6: Begin the very first scene with "FADE in:" and end the very last page with "fade out."(第六步:第一个场景要以“淡入”开头,最后一页用“淡出”结尾。)
  • 24、The text will thenfade out after 2000ms (2 seconds) on the screen.(随后,文本将在2000ms(2秒)后从屏幕中淡出。) Hao86.com
  • 25、Of course, they only bounce so far. If the tunnel is long enough, even FM stationsfade out until you come out the other end.(当然,它们只会在某个区域内反弹。如果隧道太长的话,即使是调频广播也会逐渐变弱直到驶出隧道。)
  • 26、It may or may not alsofade out on the underbody.(在体下部的被毛可能褪色或者颜色不变。)
  • 27、They fear that passion toward traditional Chinese holidays, particularly among young people, will slowlyfade out.(他们担心人们,尤其是年轻人,对于中国传统节日的热情会逐渐降温。)
  • 28、Promise to never let himfade out of your life.(向我们保证永远别让他从你的生命中淡出。)

fade out基本释义

fade out

英 [feid aut] 美 [fed aʊt] 
淡出; 渐弱
