
every inch造句

every inch造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:08:43


every inch造句

  • 1、He went from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope and from Bangkok to Vladivostok, wheeling or walkingevery inch of the way.(从挪威到好望角,从曼谷到海参威,他或走或骑,足迹遍布征程。)
  • 2、every inch of the walled city hums with life and activity.(在这个带城墙的城市里,每英寸土地都充满生气和活力。)
  • 3、CONRAD: Do I have to sandevery inch of the table?(康瑞德:桌子的每一寸都要磨吗?)
  • 4、If they try to fire me I'll fight themevery inch of the way.(他们要是想解雇我,我就和他们抗争到底。)
  • 5、The doctor examinedevery inch of his body.(医生检查了他全身的每一部分。)
  • 6、he was tattooed overevery inch of his skin that was visible beyond the bright orange prison uniform.(纹身布满了他露在亮橘色囚服外的每寸皮肤上。)
  • 7、In its happy days, flowers had been tucked away intoevery inch and hole and corner.(在幸福的日子里,每一寸土地、每一个洞、每一个角落都开满了鲜花。)
  • 8、I say he’s a tough, hard-nosed type of guy who played withevery inch of his body physically and mentally.(我想说他是一个坚韧,实用型球员,他会用他的身体和智力与你对决。)
  • 9、It was like angry graffiti, coveringevery inch of what is ostensibly a corporate wall.(如果把Netflix公司比作一面墙,这些愤怒的回复和评论就像充满愤怒的涂鸦,填满了这面墙的每一个角落。)
  • 10、Remember that you don't have to eat upevery inch of space.(记住你并不需要将所有的空间都加以使用。)
  • 11、Let them do their worst—we'll fight themevery inch of the way.(随便他们干什么坏事吧,我们一定和他们拼到底。)
  • 12、The soldiers contestedevery inch of ground.(士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。)
  • 13、Sven's identical twin brother isevery inch as good.(斯文的同卵双胞胎哥哥拉斯·本德和弟弟一样油菜得不得了。)
  • 14、He is big and tender, a manevery inch of him, but with a woman's heart.(他是一个大块头,十分温柔,是一个十分地道的男子汉,却又生了一副女人的柔肠。)
  • 15、At night the building bursts with people sleeping onevery inch of floor; all must share just six lavatories.(到了夜晚,这个教堂大楼便满是人,地板的每一英寸的地方都睡着人,他们所有的人却只有六个厕所公用。)
  • 16、I love the people, not my lover, he wasevery inch belong to another person.(我爱的人,不是我的爱人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人。)
  • 17、every inch toward freedom seemed designed to cause us maximum frustration.(靠近自由的每一英尺似乎都被设计得让我们感到最大程度的沮丧。)
  • 18、He knowsevery inch of the land here.(他对这里的土地了如指掌。)
  • 19、How to useevery inch of your body to develop devastating power?(如何运用你身体的每一部分来产生强大的杀伤力?)
  • 20、You don’t get much sleep when the cold and wet are invadingevery inch of your body.(当寒冷和潮湿浸透你身体的每一寸肌肤时又怎能睡好。)
  • 21、In his first game the young player already lookedevery inch a winner.(那位年轻的选手在第一场比赛就已经被认为胜券在握。)
  • 22、He looksevery inch the businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.(他身穿灰色西服、深蓝色衬衫、打着蓝色领带,在各方面俨然一副生意人的模样。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 23、She sat there majestic in her armchair, fillingevery inch of it.(她庄严的坐在扶手椅子上,占据了每英寸的它。)
  • 24、Just aboutevery inch of her skin was covered as if she were photosensitive.(她身上几乎每一寸肌肤都被遮盖住,好像她对光线敏感一样。)
  • 25、I knowevery inch of Toad Hall, inside and out.(蛤蟆府的里里外外,每一英寸,我都知道。)
  • 26、In Europe, insurance premiums rise as homes get built on flood plains in a search forevery inch of exploitable space.(在欧洲,如果你在大的平原上面建造房屋,以期开阔更多的空间的话,那你要上缴更多的税款。)

every inch基本释义

every inch

英 [ˈevri intʃ] 美 [ˈɛvri ɪntʃ] 