1、During the period of building the data warehouse, we mainly researches the method of theexaction , transform and load of the data in different kind of data resources.(在数据仓库的实现中主要研究了异种数据源中数据的抽取、转换和载入的方法和策略。) Hao86.com
2、The aged leader was exhausted by theexaction of a pitiless system.(作为年迈的领导人,冷酷无情制度的苛求使他心力交瘁。)
3、In chapter 4, we proposed a messageexaction method which basing on the system reconstruction and one-step predictions to exact the message from simulative chaotic secure communication systems.(第四章提出了一种用混沌发送信号进行系统重构并进行一步预测的混沌模拟保密通信系统的解密方法。)
4、Article 33 the enterprise shall have the right to reject theexaction of its manpower, materials and financial resources in the form of apportionment by any State organ or unit.(第三十三条企业有权拒绝任何机关和单位向企业摊派人力、物力、财力。)
5、Concept lattice is recently fast developed as a tool for data analysis and ruleexaction.(概念格是近年来获得飞速发展的数据分析的有力工具。)