1、Anyway, I at that time really toospineless.(说起来,我那时候真的太懦弱了。) haO86.com
2、It's as if getting a job somehow drains all the free will out of people and turns them intospineless cowards.(这就好像是得到了一份工作后却又不知何故地丢失了自由意志,并使得这些人变成了没有骨气的懦夫。)
3、A jellyfish is aspineless animal.(水母是无脊椎动物。)
4、My supervisor is aspineless person.(我的主管是一个没骨气的人。)
5、He was really angry at his boss but was afraid to tell him. Sometimes he's sospineless.(他对老板很恼火,但又不敢对他直说。有时他太懦弱了。)
6、Followership You don't have to be aspineless yes-person to be a good follower.(服从精神你无须凡事唯唯诺诺才算是一名好的追随者。)
7、And you can laugh aspineless laugh.(你可以蔑视那些缺乏骨气的笑声。)
9、As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming andspineless.(吉娜·罗吉瑞格兹是卡门最好的朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧;德瑞克·丹尼科拉是卡门有钱的白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。)
10、"Shut it," growled Moody. "As I've already told you, youspineless worm, any Death Eaters we run into will be aiming to capture Potter, not kill him."(“闭嘴,”穆迪吼道,“你这个没有骨头的爬虫,我告诉过你,不管我们碰到的是哪些食死徒,他们的目的都抓住波特,而不是杀死他。”)
11、Men dump women for beingspineless, not "too nice, " expert says.(专家说,男人抛弃女人是因为她们没勇气,不是“太好”)
12、My supervisor is aspineless person. He never stands behind his decisions.(我的主管是一个没骨气的人。他不敢为他做的决定负责。)
13、The rest within IBM were prettyspineless, trying to continue with business as usual and caring only for their own division's next-quarter sales outlook.(但是IBM内部其他的人都颇为软骨,还试图象平常那样做着生意,只关心自己部门下个季度的销量前景。)