
slide show造句

slide show造句

更新时间:2024-06-30 23:25:35


slide show造句

  • 1、You may think that implementing aslide show on a Web site would be very difficult.(您也许认为在Web站点上实现幻灯片显示会非常复杂。)
  • 2、This presentation template renders theslide show view.(这个显示模板显示幻灯片视图。)
  • 3、I watched aslide show.(我看了一个幻灯片。)
  • 4、The start_slides function starts theslide show with the first item.(start_slides函数从第一项开始启动幻灯片放映。)
  • 5、slide show: Top 10 Places to Find Alien life.(幻灯片显示:10个最可能发现外星生命的地方。)
  • 6、slide show: Where is alien life hiding?(幻灯片:外星人究竟隐匿在何方?)
  • 7、When you all get together, you can make aslide show.(当你们聚在一起的时候,你们可以做一个幻灯片秀。)
  • 8、Web-based gallery andslide show views of the photos in the Photo Book component.(在PhotoBook组件中显示基于Web的照片库和幻灯片视图。)
  • 9、slide show: Your Photos: Mercury, Venus Light Up Night skies.(幻灯片放映:你的图片:水星,金星点亮夜空【注:这里有图片,可以查看源文。】)
  • 10、Then, I use that list of images to compose aslide show using Dynamic HTML (DHTML).(然后使用动态html(DHTML)把图片列表组成一个幻灯片。)
  • 11、You could always prepare aslide show of pictures set to some of your favorite music.(做一组幻灯片或者图片也行啊,用你最喜欢的歌做背景音乐吧。)
  • 12、This authoring template is used to create content to render aslide show.(这个创作模板用来创建显示幻灯片的内容。)
  • 13、The followingslide show features a selection of his photographs in the show.(下面的幻灯片放映的是从展示的照片中选出的一部分。)
  • 14、In aslide show, the images appear in a timed sequence, with images fading in and out.(在幻灯片浏览中,图像按照时间顺序先后淡入淡出。)
  • 15、This is where the WIRED iPad app falls apart as a vainslide show.(就是在这个方面《连线》iPad版成了个虚有其表的幻灯片秀。)
  • 16、slide show: Top 10 Space Stories of the decade.(幻灯片:这十年来十个关于太空的故事。)
  • 17、Yourslide show is just a visual aid.(你做的幻灯片只是观众视觉上的辅助。)
  • 18、View aslide show of the world's worst toxic pollution problems(请看世界最严重有毒污染问题的图片说明)
  • 19、Theslide show is shown in progress in Figure 4.(幻灯片放映如图4所示。)
  • 20、I will give aslide show next art class.(下节美术课我要做一个幻灯片展示。)
  • 21、Is your message best served by aslide show presentation or a document?(我的信息是以幻灯片还是以文档的形式来展示会更好?)
  • 22、To learn more about these tree types, view our Christmas tree photoslide show.(想了解更多品种的松树,点击“圣诞树图片集锦”观看。)
  • 23、The Ajax version of theslide show code is shown in Listing 8.(Ajax版本的幻灯片放映代码如清单8所示。)
  • 24、She explains that she’s shooting a weddingslide show.(她解释说自己是在拍一组婚礼幻灯片。)
  • 25、For every image in theslide show, there's one corresponding ImageInfo object.(幻灯片中每幅图片都有一个对应的ImageInfo对象。)
  • 26、Documentary: visual presentation (such as a video,slide show, or computer project) no more than 10 minutes long.(纪实作品:不超过10分钟的视觉展示,例如播放视频,幻灯片或者演示计算机程序。)
  • 27、Remember -- yourslide show is not the presentation -- you are the presentation.(记住,演讲的不是你的幻灯片演示,而是你自己。)

slide show基本释义

slide show

英 [slaid ʃəu] 美 [slaɪd ʃo] 
