
theory of probability造句

theory of probability造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:14:44


theory of probability造句

  • 1、Through thetheory of probability, we show the formula of the trinomial option pricing model for finite periods in a stock market.(利用概率论的理论,推导出了某一假定证券市场中有限周期买入期权的三项式期权定价公式。)
  • 2、When the probability is known, the theory of evidence becomes atheory of probability, which is more appropriate for the integration of uncertain information.(当概率已知时,证据理论就变成了概率论,它更符合对专家不确定性信息的融合。)
  • 3、One of the first principles of probability theory is called the multiplication rule.(概率论的基本原理之一叫做乘法法则。)
  • 4、The institution of insurance is something that really came in — it's one of the earliest — I consider it a division of finance — really came in the 1600s when probability theory was invented.(保险机构的出现,我认为这是金融业中,最早的分支之一,大约在17世纪,概率论刚刚诞生。)
  • 5、The fundamental tools of A. I. shifted from Logic to Probability in the late 1980s, and fundamental progress in the theory of uncertain reasoning underlies many of the recent practical advances.(研究人工智能的基础工具在80年代后期从逻辑转向了概率,而关于不确定性的理论研究的进展成为了近期许多应用的基础。)
  • 6、In this paper, we study the correlation properties with thetheory of probability and spectrum for non-linear combiners with memory.(本文主要利用概率论和频谱理论的方法对带记忆的非线性组合生成器的相关性进行了研究。)
  • 7、Methods: Using thetheory of probability and statistical.(方法:运用概率统计的原理。)
  • 8、Thetheory of probability is the foundation upon which sample auditing is established and numerical statistics is the theoretical foundation upon which concrete methods come into being.(其中概率论是抽样审计建立的基础,数理统计是具体方法形成的理论基础。)
  • 9、It discusses three kinds of methods for combining the information of speech features that were presented in detail in the previous three papers in accordance with thetheory of probability.(这些文章没有对提出的三种语音特征综合方法进行理论分析,本文运用概率论知识,详细地对前面三篇文章提出的三种语音特征信息综合方法进行理论分析。)
  • 10、In this paper, we consider the queuing system for PRE priority discipline with service interruption by using the weak convergencetheory of probability measure.(运用概率测度弱收敛理论研究了服务中断的PRE优先排队系统模型。)
  • 11、This paper is a review for Wang Youjun's work A Historical Research on of Laplace'stheory of probability.(王幼军的《拉普拉斯概率理论的历史研究》是中国第一部概率论史研究专著。)
  • 12、If you follow through from the independent theory, there's one of the basic relations in probability theory — it's called the binomial distribution.(如果继续往下看,在概率论里有一个基本的概念,叫做二项分布。)
  • 13、By applying thetheory of probability to the collective inspection of mature egg pebrine, we have reported the relationship between the number of pebrine eggs and that of pebrine collectivity.(用概率理论给出了在成品卵微粒子病集团检验时,有毒卵数与有毒集团数之间的关系。)
  • 14、I think it was the invention of probability theory that really started it and that's why I think theory is very important in finance.(我认为概率论的发明促使了保险业的诞生,这是我为什么认为理论对于金融非常重要。)
  • 15、In 1738, Daniel, trying to solve a problem in probability theory and the theory of gambling by use of the calculus, stumbled on the concept of the law of diminishing marginal utility of money.(在1738年,丹尼尔试图用微积分来解决一个概率论和赌博理论里的问题,无意间却发现了货币的边际效用递减法则的概念。)
  • 16、According to reliabilitytheory of probability, the probability value of different grade of seismic hazard of water pipe buried underground under earthquake action was calculated.(根据概率可靠性理论,计算了地震作用下地下直埋管道的各个震害等级的概率值。)
  • 17、As the number of dispatchers increases, the probability of one dispatcher "losing" the message to some other dispatcher also increases, and (in theory, at least) this problem becomes exacerbated.(随着调度程序数的增长,一个调度程序将消息“丢失到”某些其他调度程序的可能性也在增加,而且(至少在理论上)这个问题可能愈演愈烈。)
  • 18、The mathematicaltheory of probability was unknown until that time and you can see that insurance suddenly made an appearance at that time.(在那之前,概率的数学理论,是不存在的,而随着概率论的出现,保险业也突然出现了。)
  • 19、In virtue oftheory of probability, Chinese Character can be considered as stochastic event and the concept of probability distance is proposed.(借助概率理论,将汉字信息看成随机事件,提出了概率距离的概念。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、The idea of probability theory is that no, you can't change things, there are all these objective laws of probability out there that guide everything.(而概率论的观点是,不,你无法改变事物,世间万物遵循客观的概率,它们即是定律。)
  • 21、Though, Chinese criminal trial has not adopted thetheory of probability of anticipation officially, But in practical case relevant judgements accept its presence in disguised form.(中国的刑事审判尽管没有正式采用期待可能性,但相关的司法判决却在实际案例中变相的承认它的存在。)
  • 22、The field is closely related to data mining and often USES techniques from statistics, probability theory, pattern recognition, and a host of other areas.(此领域与数据挖掘密切相关,并且经常需要使用各种技巧,包括统计学、概率论和模式识别等。)
  • 23、The solution of Hume's problem by the subjective or personalistictheory of probability induction relies heavily on Dutch Book theorem, which is divided into two parts, static and dynamic.(当代概率归纳逻辑的一个重要学派即主观主义或私人主义对待休谟问亦即归纳合理性问题的态度,密切地依赖于他们提出的大弃赌定理。)
  • 24、Through profound study on Poisson-Distribution inthetheory of probability, the samplihg theory can be comprehended vividly andquantitatively.(通过仔细研究基础概率理论的柏松分布问题,能对取样理论作比较形象的、定量的理解。)
  • 25、Its main theoretical base is the law of large Numbers in thetheory of probability, whose main means is the sampling of random variable.(它的主要理论基础是概率论中的大数定理,其主要手段是随机变量的抽样。)
  • 26、It really is probability theory and the idea of spreading risk through risk pooling.(就是概率论,以及通过风险汇聚来分摊风险。)
  • 27、I would also endorse Rizzo's critique of attempts to use objective probability theory as a way of reducing the real world of uncertainty to certainty equivalents.(我也赞同里索对客观概率论的批评,有人企图用它来减少现实世界的不确定性,使其趋近于确定的世界。)
  • 28、In thetheory of probability, it has already aroused more and more many people's interest to research the influence of the non-stochastic system stochastic.(在概率论中,对非随机系统的随机影响的研究已经引起了越来越多的人的兴趣。)

theory of probability基本释义

theory of probability

英 [ˈθiəri ɔv ˌprɔbəˈbiliti] 美 [ˈθiəri ʌv ˌprɑbəˈbɪlɪti] 

