
taken in this sense造句

taken in this sense造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 21:59:40


taken in this sense造句

  • 1、Names of this kind, such as Grace, are to be taken in their spiritual or theological sense, not their physical one.(象格雷丝(优雅)这样的名,用的是精神和神学的意义,而不是体态的意义。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 2、This word should not be taken in its literal sense.(这个词不能按本义去理解。)
  • 3、But in the past few years, this familiarity has vanished-and taken the industry's sense of security with it.(但是在过去的几年间,这种亲密已经荡然无存,随之消失的还有这个行业的安全感。)
  • 4、In this sense, analysts really should have taken a hint from Apple and modeled for the same type of earnings beat that Apple has typically delivered in the past.(从这一角度而言,分析师本应领会苹果的暗示,根据苹果公司过去的平均表现进行预测。)

taken in this sense基本释义
