


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:13:18



  • 1、As we grow older, and into a better sense of our likes and dislikes, conversation becomes aminefield.(当我们渐渐长大,越来越清楚自己的喜好嫌恶,谈话就会变成雷区,稍有不慎就会伤及彼此。)
  • 2、They were skirmishing close to theminefield now.(他们当时正在雷区附近小规模交火。)
  • 3、The does and don't of travelling abroad are a potentialminefield for the unprepared traveller.(在海外旅游的规则,对于那些毫无准备的游客来说,是一个潜在的雷区。)
  • 4、Legal consequences of attempts at biological control present a potentialminefield.(尝试进行生物防治的法律后果是一个潜在的雷区。)
  • 5、You may not be brilliant, but you can tiptoe through aminefield better than anyone I know.(你可能不聪明,但是你能够踮着脚尖通过布雷区,这个比我所知道的任何人都做得好。)
  • 6、He describes a "minefield" of 6 ways he's seen agile fall short in a UX sense.(他从用户体验的角度出发,描述了自己所见过的、敏捷出现问题的6种“雷区”。)
  • 7、The holidays, with all their extended-family gatherings, can be a verbalminefield.(假日,和一大家子有聚在一起,是危机隐藏的时刻,要小心自己的言语。)
  • 8、This area is aminefield, and difficult to play directly.(这个领域是一个雷区,难以直接参与。)
  • 9、Such a mine, which is the largest gypsumminefield in Europe, is situated in the city of Novomoskovsk in the Tula region.(此巨型矿乃是欧洲最大的石膏矿,位于图拉州地区的新莫斯科斯克市。)
  • 10、People often say that international gift giving can become a culturalminefield.(人们经常说国际馈赠有可能成为文化的雷区。)
  • 11、oogle “just ran into a hugeminefield.”(Google“刚刚闯入了巨大的布雷区。”)
  • 12、For an imperilled world economy, the imperative is to find a route through theminefield.(对于一个陷入危险的全球经济而言,现在必须找到一条穿越雷区的道路。)
  • 13、When men and women are both under pressure it can be an emotionalminefield as each tries to cope.(当男人和女人都处于压力之下时,因为每个人都试图应付,那有可能成为情感雷区。)
  • 14、Let me stake out more precisely the narrow path that would allow Europe to pass through thisminefield.(让我精确的指出一条狭窄的道路——一条会带领欧盟走出雷区的道路。)
  • 15、Standing on the edge of the steepminefield and watching those calm and fearless minesweepers, we were full of respects.(站在陡峭的雷场边缘,望着眼前这一群镇定自如、无畏无惧的扫雷军人,记者不禁肃然起敬。)
  • 16、Social media is aminefield for the unwary.(但社交网站是还那些粗心大意者的雷区。)
  • 17、The "unstable" development release of Firefox is calledminefield.(“不稳定的”Firefox开发版叫做minefield。)
  • 18、Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a newminefield.(在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。)
  • 19、This will be a moralminefield.(这将是一个道义上的雷区。)
  • 20、Without good systems managers are left to manage personalities which is a managementminefield.(没有一个好的系统,管理人员只能去管理“个性”了,那是管理人员的雷区。)
  • 21、Now the biologists have moved into thisminefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women.(现在,生物学家们已经进入了这个危机四伏的局面,他们中的一些人已经发现男性和女性的大脑确实存在差异。)
  • 22、Differences in corporate etiquette are aminefield.(合作礼节的差异性是一个雷区。) hao86.com
  • 23、Tax can be aminefield for the unwary.(粗心大意的人在纳税方面很容易出错。)
  • 24、Homestays offer a unique insight into a country's culture but booking them can be a bit of aminefield.(寄宿家庭令你可以对一个国家的文化产生独特的感受,但预订则有一定的风险。)
  • 25、The modern dating game is highly complex and courting rituals can be aminefield.(现在的约会游戏是高度复杂的,其中的繁文缛节就像个雷区。)
  • 26、But it will start with the most explosive subject: the partially clearedminefield of race.(但是,我们还是先要从最引人关注的问题讲起——并未完全解决的种族问题。)
  • 27、Front whether it is aminefield or a cliff, I have anti-coffin forward!(前面不管是雷区还是悬崖,我都抗着棺材前进!)



英 [ˈmaɪnfi:ld] 美 [ˈmaɪnˌfild] 

