
phone number造句

phone number造句

更新时间:2025-03-23 21:14:58复制

phone number造句

    1、She gave me thephone number for the nearest pharmacy so I could make arrangements with our pediatrician to call in prescriptions.(她给了我最近的药店的电话号码,这样我就可以和我们的儿科医生联系并且拿到药方。)

    2、What's your address andphone number?(你的地址和电话号码是什么?)

    3、He produced 1000 leaflets tagged with hisphone number and a post office box number.(他做了一千份标有他的电话号码和邮箱号码的传单。) hAo86.com

    4、I'll give you my address andphone number.(我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。)

    5、She scribbled down herphone number and pushed it into his hand.(她匆匆写下自己的电话号码,塞进他手里。)

    6、She scribbled hisphone number on a scrap of paper.(她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。)

    7、Of course you can only fit your name andphone number, and in your case, math tutoring on it.(当然,你可以只写上你的名字和电话号码,或者按你的情况,写上数学家教的经历。)

    8、Myphone number is 266998.(我的电话号码是266998。)

    9、How did they know Jennifer'sphone number?(他们是怎么知道珍妮弗的电话号码的?)

    10、You just add your name andphone number to this list and check a time slot, although it looks like the only times left are next Monday morning and Thursday evening.(你只需要把你的名字和电话号码添加到这个列表中,然后查看时间安排,尽管看起来剩下的时间好像只有下周一早上和周四晚上了。)

    11、William, sadly, was not very forthcoming about any other names he might have, where he lived or what hisphone number was.(很遗憾,威廉在有关他可能有的其它名字、他的住处或者电话号码等方面不太愿意提供信息。)

    12、To make me disappear, the woman gave me thephone number for Windows' creator.(为了让我消失,那个女人给了我Windows创始人的电话号码。)

    13、She copied thephone number into her address book.(她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。)

    14、We changed ourphone number.(我们交换了电话号码。)

    15、And could I have yourphone number?(能告诉我你的电话号码吗?)

    16、Herphone number and e-mials address were on the card.(名片上有她的电话号码和地址。)

    17、You'd better write down herphone number before you forget it.(你最好把她的电话号码记下来,免得忘了。)

    18、I remember herphone number.(我记得她的电话号码。)

    19、Here's myphone number, and here's my email.(这是我的电话号码。这是我的电子邮件。)

    20、Instead, Taylor decided to buy business cards and had her father'sphone number on them.(相反,泰勒决定买名片,并把她父亲的电话号码放在上面。)

    21、The secret number is myphone number in reverse.(这个密码是我的电话号码的逆序排列。)

    22、We need the full name, address andphone number of the person you're sending the parcel to.(我们需要你寄包裹的对象的全名、地址和电话号码。)

    23、This is the workphone number.(这是工作电话号。)

    24、And can I have aphone number—the best number to get you on?(能给我一个电话号码吗?—最好能找到你的电话号码。)

    25、And could you give me hisphone number?(你能把他的电话号码给我吗?)

    26、There's just one final thing—that's yourphone number.(还有最后一件事——你的电话号码。)

    27、I forgot hisphone number.(我忘记了他的电话号码。)

    28、Do you have Betty'sphone number?(你有贝蒂的电话号码吗?)

    29、I left myphone number with several people.(我把我的电话号码留给了几个人。)

    30、The company has for some time printed itsphone number on its products.(这家公司将其电话号码印在其产品上已有一段时间了。)

phone number基本释义

phone number

英 [fəun ˈnʌmbə] 美 [fon ˈnʌmbɚ] 



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