
in cold blood造句

in cold blood造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:34:22


in cold blood造句

  • 1、Stanton calls Michael, who explains that Self stole Scylla and killed two agentsin cold blood.(斯坦顿给迈可打了个电话,迈可向他解释是赛尔夫偷走了“锡拉”,并冷血地杀死了翠珊。)
  • 2、Let's think it overin cold blood.(让我们冷静地考虑一下这个问题。)
  • 3、At this juncture, we see herin cold blood.(在这时,我们看到了她的冷酷。)
  • 4、Hugo Masters of world literature, said: "Nature is not only a good mother, but also a butcherin cold blood."(世界文学大师雨果说:“大自然既是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。”)
  • 5、Tarkin would have shot an unarmed Sobeckin cold blood, causing the Jedi to further question his honor.(塔金冷酷地开枪打死了手无寸铁的索贝克,让绝地对他的荣誉感产生了进一步的怀疑。)
  • 6、You can then point youin cold blood.(你还能再冷血一点吗?)
  • 7、He says he has never readin cold blood, nor seen the movies, and never will.(他说他从来没有读过《冷血》,也没有看过电影,而且永远也不会。)
  • 8、Years before the huge success of his "non-fiction novel"in cold blood, Truman Capote had already staked out a distinctive place in Hollywood.(在他独创的“非虚构小说”《冷血》大获成功之前,杜鲁门·卡波特已经在好莱坞谋得一席之地了。)
  • 9、in cold blood has sold millions of copies and been translated into 30 languages.(《冷血》卖了几百万册,被翻译30种语言。)
  • 10、He was a traitor. And he murdered someonein cold blood.(他是一个叛徒,而且他冷血地杀了人。)
  • 11、According to the historians he murdered his rivalin cold blood.(根据历史学家考证,他蓄意杀死了他的竞争对手。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 12、Which led the game in his day, was murderedin cold blood killed.(而就在他带队比赛的当天,却惨遭毒手身亡。)
  • 13、We had better think it overin cold blood.(我们最好冷静地考虑这件事。)
  • 14、We must look at the matterin cold blood.(我们必须冷静观察这个问题。)
  • 15、Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dookuin cold blood at the Chancellor's goading.(失去知觉的他没有看到这场决斗的结局——在议长的怂恿下,阿纳金冷酷地杀死了被缴械的杜库。)
  • 16、Scaramanga: you should have done that when you first saw me. But then, of course, the English don't consider it sporting to killin cold blood, do they?(史卡拉孟加:你在第一次见到我时便应这样做。但是,当然啦,英国人不认为冷血地杀人有体育精神,不是吗?)
  • 17、Nature is kind of a loving mother, but also a butcherin cold blood. - Victor Hugo.(自然不仅是位慈爱的母亲,还是个冷血的屠夫。-维克多雨果。)
  • 18、Ms Wilkerson's intimacy with members of these families is as close as Truman Capote's with his characters in "in cold blood".(威尔克森女士与这三个家庭关系密切,正如杜鲁门·卡波特与他《冷血》一书中的人物联系紧密一样。)
  • 19、He was so cruel he would have killed his own motherin cold blood.(他是个极残酷的人,甚至都可以冷酷无情地杀死亲娘。)
  • 20、The fact is, I couldn't believe what I'd donein cold blood.(事实上,我真不敢相信自己可以如此气定若闲地做出这一切。)
  • 21、The crime had been committedin cold blood.(这起案件是蓄意犯罪。)

in cold blood基本释义

in cold blood

英 [in kəuld blʌd] 美 [ɪn kold blʌd] 
