
look for sb造句

look for sb造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:13:05


look for sb造句

  • 1、Sb asks me to look for some dance studio for competitive ballroom dancing in Shanghai. is there anybody who can help me out?He is also looking for some dance partner.(有谁能告诉我在上海哪里有专业水准的拉丁舞俱乐部(场所),现有一海外男士想寻专业水准的舞伴。) hao86.com
  • 2、Look for a job to be able to not be fastidious but incompetent, self job that the ability does not do but prejudiced essential points clearly composes, that result must be closed the door on sb.(找工作不能眼高手低,明明自己没有能力做的工作却偏要做,那结果一定是被拒之门外的。)

look for sb基本释义