
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:12:07



  • 1、Oddly enough, the same techniques used to size a newfreeway system can be used to size an MMOG.(有意思的是,对新的高速公路系统进行规模评估所用的技术也可以应用于MMOG。)
  • 2、A special purpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains infreeway capacity.(建立专用车道系统需要对现有公路进行更广泛的物理改造,而它又保证了公路车辆通行量能够得到最大程度的提高。)
  • 3、We drove quite a ways on thefreeway then pulled off onto an exit neither of us was familiar with at all.(我们沿着高速公路开了很久,然后从一个我俩都不熟的出口下了高速路。)
  • 4、I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on thefreeway.(我在开着车,时速90,高速公路。)
  • 5、I do most of my praying, more than any other place, on thefreeway.(我自己祷告的很多,高速公路上是我祷告最多的地方。)
  • 6、They have a balleticfreeway system; snazzy shopping malls; stylish skylines.(他们拥有优美的高速公路、时髦的购物商场、现代的高楼大厦。)
  • 7、On the way home Joe and I are driving down the emptyfreeway.(我和乔沿着空旷的高速公路开车回家。)
  • 8、I like to drive onfreeway.(我喜欢在高速公路上开车。)
  • 9、Get off thefreeway (motorway) at the next exit.(在下个出口驶离高速路。)
  • 10、The building of a newfreeway became a controversial issue.(兴建新的高速公路已经成为一个具有争议性的议题。)
  • 11、Now me and Jack-O 'are driving down the dark 280freeway.(现在我和豁牙南瓜灯杰克正沿着黑暗的280高速公路行驶。)
  • 12、We must be off thefreeway.(我们得离开高速公路。)
  • 13、People in this city boycotted the construction of the newfreeway.(这个城市的居民抵制新的高速公路的兴建。)
  • 14、And now I know what the proper name is for the cats eyes that are embedded in thefreeway!(现在我终于明白如何正确命名内嵌在高速公路上的猫眼了!)
  • 15、Might be fun to try it on the San Diegofreeway one of these days.(这可能非常有趣如果你这几天在圣地亚哥的高速公路上试试看的话。)
  • 16、We'll exit Market Street, head west, then get on the Pennsylvaniafreeway.(我们从商业街出去,向西走,然后上宾夕法尼亚高速公路。)
  • 17、Smoke began to spread across thefreeway like fog.(烟开始像浓雾一样在高速公路上蔓延。)
  • 18、The speed limit on thefreeway is 55mph.(这条高速公路的限速为每小时55英里。)
  • 19、Drive down thefreeway, there they are.(开车下高速公路,他们在那。)
  • 20、The newfreeway will pass over the lake.(新的高速公路将越过湖面。) (好工具
  • 21、He slewed the motorbike over as they hit thefreeway.(他们冲到高速公路时,他赶紧把摩托车调转方向。)
  • 22、As an old man was driving down thefreeway, his car phone rang.(一位老人开车行驶在高速公路上,这时车载电话响了。)
  • 23、A two way traffic model offreeway entrance around city was established.(建立了高速公路绕城出入口的双向交通模型。)
  • 24、Would anything stop the shrieking short of a ride in the car seat up and down the 405freeway?(有时当汽车在405高速公路上颠簸时,我会郁闷能不能有什么东西停止孩子的尖叫哭声。)
  • 25、When someone dangerously cuts you off on thefreeway, your thought might be, "I do not want this anger" (or "rage", if it's that bad).(当有人在高速公路上危险地超车时,你的想法可能是,“我不要生气”(或者“暴怒”,如果它是那么糟糕的话)。)
  • 26、At twenty-five miles an hour on thefreeway, she should get a ticket.(她以每小时25公里的速度在高速公路上行驶,应该得张罚单。)



英 [ˈfri:weɪ] 美 [ˈfriˌwe] 
