
have an advantage over造句

have an advantage over造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 20:56:49


have an advantage over造句

  • 1、It's unfair that maleshave an advantage over females in applying for a job.(在申请工作的时候,男性比女性有优势,这是不公平的。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 2、A local shop requires far less energy, and if it only sells locally sourced, less processed produce, it willhave an advantage over a supermarket.(当地商店需要的能源就很少,而且如果只销售当地来源,加工程序比较少的产品,其优势就多于超市。)
  • 3、High acidity crude oilshave an advantage over normal oils in price, but can cause corrosion and refinery problems.(高酸值原油与常规原油相比有价格优势,但存在腐蚀及相关炼制问题,是炼油行业中“机会原油”之一。)
  • 4、On balance, we need to enter into an alliance with ourselves, wehave an advantage over them , that we amount of person is bigger.(我们必须自我结盟自我团结,我们完全有优势可以超越他们,属于我们一条心的人就会更多。)
  • 5、In the long run, groups that co-operate morehave an advantage over those whose members are less willing to do so.(从长远来看,经常合作的团体比那些成员之间少有合作的团体要占更多的优势。)
  • 6、Under such circumstances, little animalshave an advantage over larger ones.(在这种环境下,小动物就比大动物有优势。)
  • 7、Men usuallyhave an advantage over women when hunting for jobs.(找工作时,男性通常比女性有优势。)
  • 8、I headed off to college sure I was going tohave an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible.(我选择去了大学,并确信我比那些去大机械“工厂”的学生有优势,因为那里的人不关心你是否有价值观或是否有随机应变的能力。)
  • 9、Interpreted languages alwayshave an advantage over compiled languages because they can execute code at times that compiled languages can't.(解释语言始终比编译语言具有更大的优势,因为它们可以执行编译语言无法执行的代码。)
  • 10、Femaleshave an advantage over males.(女性比男性有上风。)
  • 11、Youhave an advantage over me in learning English.(你在学英语方面比我强。)
  • 12、He says these childrenhave an advantage over their peer group in language ability, intellectual ability, and even social leadership skills.(他说这些孩子在语言能力、智力,甚至领导才能上都比同龄孩子要强。)
  • 13、I hope he is mistaken and anyway I don't think theyhave an advantage over us by having a longer winter break.(我希望他弄错了,而且我也不认为他们的冬歇期比我们长就是占了便宜。)
  • 14、Survival is to a great extent based on the ability to adapt, and in this way those on the bottom todayhave an advantage over those on the top.(从很大程度上说,存活下来基于人的适应能力,而在该方面,那些处于社会底层的人比社会上层的人更有优势。)
  • 15、She also said it could mean that big companies wouldhave an advantage over start-ups that cannot afford the extra expense.(她同时说,这份协议将意味着大公司将比那些新近起步的公司拥有更大的优势,因为他们可以承担的其额外的支出。)
  • 16、Boyshave an advantage over girls in that boys are stronger and less afraid of such things.(男孩比女孩有优势,在于他们身体更强壮,更不怕这样的事。)
  • 17、You see, youhave an advantage over me. You can make a dress.(你知道,你有一点超过我,你会做衣服。)
  • 18、Many librarians feel BISAC's relative simplicity and user-friendly languagehave an advantage over Dewey's complexity.(许多图书馆都觉得BISAC更加简单并且用了更贴近用户的语言,因此它比起复杂的杜威分类法更有优势。)
  • 19、When you do what you love, you willhave an advantage over everyone else.(当你做你喜欢的事情,你就会比别人占优势。)
  • 20、As a local designer youhave an advantage over designers in other parts of the country or the world.(作为一个本地设计师,比起那些外地设计师你具有地理上的优势。)
  • 21、If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surelyhave an advantage over others in finding a job.(如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握的好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。)
  • 22、By staying active, you'llhave an advantage over all the candidates who think nothing happens in December.(所以活跃一点,你就会比那些认为十二月没有什么机会的人有优势。)
  • 23、Saab’s new owners Pang Da and Youngmanhave an advantage over GM and Ford.(萨博汽车新的东家庞大青年汽车将会继通用和福特之后开始一段冒险的旅程。)
  • 24、This clearly illustrates how larger trading accountshave an advantage over smaller ones.(这清晰的说明了为什么较大的交易帐户比较小的资金帐户更有优势。)
  • 25、His recent research finds that older learnershave an advantage over the very young in certain aspects of language learning.(他最近的研究发现,在语言学习的有些方面,年龄较大的学习者比年龄非常小的有优势。)
  • 26、A man who can think will alwayshave an advantage over others.(能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人。)

have an advantage over基本释义

have an advantage over

优于; 比 ... 有优势