1、Even a mild intolerance that would otherwise go unnoticed may cause gas and diarrhea during a strenuous run within 24 hours of eating adairy product.(如果有对乳糖吸收的不好的体质,那么你在摄入乳糖之后的24小时之内进行奔跑,就会产生大量排气和拉肚子的症状——乳糖吸收不好的结果就是在大肠内产生大量气体。)
2、Confirmed the cold disinfection is the environmental protection new technology which thedairy product processing factory is worth promoting.(证实冷消毒是乳品加工厂值得推广的经济又环保的新技术。)
3、Use: This equipment is suitable for evaporating and concentrating the material in pharmaceutical,dairy product, foodstuff and chemical industry etc.(用途:本设备适用于制药、食品、化工、乳品等行业的液料蒸发浓缩。)
4、It's better to take more food which can remove heat, ease thirst and soothe the nerves, such as sesame, honey, white fungus,dairy product, vegetable, fruit, etc.(秋天应多吃一些养阴清热、润燥止渴、清心安神的食物,如芝麻、蜂蜜、银耳、乳制品、蔬菜、水果等。)
5、"Chinesedairy product demand will continue to grow faster than local production, requiring additional whole milk powder imports through 2011," the report said.(“中国乳制品需求的增长速度将继续高于本国的生产,在2011年需要额外进口全脂奶粉,”该报告称。)
6、Grain, vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat,dairy product, nut and oil should be taken in at a reasonable proportion.(谷物,蔬菜,水果,海鲜,肉类,奶制品,坚果及油等等都要合理地摄入。)
7、Recently, the events ofdairy product showed the missing of social responsibility in dairy enterprises.(近日不断出现的乳制品事件,凸显了乳制品企业社会责任的严重缺失。)
8、But what they don't tell you is that virtually every soy cheese product on the market is made with adairy product.(但他们没有告诉你的是,几乎所有大豆奶酪产品在市场上是用乳制品制作的。)
9、As a freshdairy product, it has a limited shelf-life.(一如新鲜的乳牛产品,它的生命是有期限的。)
10、Then in the 3rd chapter we make an analysis on thedairy product market, such as the market volume, market structure, and the industry competitive situation.(第三章对乳制品市场进行了分析,包括市场容量、市场结构及行业竞争态势。)
11、It also gives the outlook of the transformation trend of the structure and organizational form of the overseasdairy product sector in the future.(展望了国外奶牛业未来乳制品的结构和组织经营形式的转换趋势。)
12、As a consequence of the problematic milk powder incident, ourdairy product industry is going through a credibility crisis.(由于问题奶粉时间,我们的乳制品产业正在经历信用危机。)
13、Buy: package, canned fruit cocktail, canned pineapple, juice drink, juice concentrate,dairy product.(采购:包装材料,什锦水果罐头,菠萝罐头,果汁饮料,浓缩果汁,乳制品。)
14、The practice prove that the microencapsulation is an important way fordairy product research and development, it have an important value practical.(实践证明,微胶囊技术为乳制品的研究与开发提供了一条很重要的途径,具有很高的实用价值。)
15、Dairy cake is a traditionaldairy product of lunan district in Yunnan.(乳饼是云南路南地区的一种传统乳制品。)
16、States have developed and introduced a series ofdairy product standards to ensure the safety of consumers' eating and nutrition.(国家相继制定和出台了一系列乳制品的产品标准来保证广大消费者吃得安全、放心、营养。)
17、Eat food with amino acid in supper such asdairy product, legume, peanut, poultry and leafy greens.(在晚餐或者夜宵中最好选用含有氨基酸的食物,如奶制品、豆类、花生、家禽肉或绿叶菜。)
18、Yogurt is freshdairy product that must be stored in the refrigerator.(酸奶是一种必须存放在冰箱中的新鲜乳制品。)
19、Yogurt contains active bacterial cultures that "eat" the milk sugar (lactose), making yogurt a greatdairy product for those people who have a milk intolerance.(酸奶中的活性乳酸菌可以分解乳糖,使得有牛奶不耐症的人也可以饮用。)
20、Kefir is one kind of alcoholic fermenteddairy product that contains low sugar, low caloric and rich in protein and the vitamins.(开菲尔是一种低糖、低热值,富含蛋白质、维生素的酒精发酵性乳饮料,是一种颇具开发潜力的营养型发酵乳。)
21、The invention relates to the field of liquiddairy product, in particular to a milk oligopeptide added liquid milk and a preparation method thereof.(本发明涉及液态乳制品领域,具体地,本发明涉及一种添加牛奶低聚肽的液态奶及其制备方法。)
22、The invention relates to the field of liquiddairy products, in particular to a liquiddairy product containing table salt and a preparation method thereof.(本发明涉及液态乳制品领域,具体地,本发明涉及一种含食盐的液态乳制品及其制备方法。)
23、Small changes in production or consumption ofdairy products in the major dairying countries can lead to volatility in worlddairy product prices.(在主要的乳业国家中奶制品的生产或消费上的小的变化可以导致全球奶制品价格的短暂变化。)
24、It is important to drink milk, eat cheese, or have any otherdairy product before you go to bed.(睡觉前吃一些牛奶、奶酪之类的乳制品很重要。)
25、Last year sales of cookies and crackers grew by just 3.1%, compared with 9.2% fordairy products and 14.8% for bottled water, Danone's two other product lines.(去年同达能另外两条生产线乳制品9.2%的增长额以及瓶装水14.8%的增长额相比,饼干小食品的销售额增长了大约3.1%。)
26、They say that allowing retailers to tell consumers that adairy product is BGH-free shouldn't be allowed, even if it's true, because it unfairly stigmatizes BGH.(他们说允许零售商告诉消费者一个乳制品不含BGH是不允许的,即使这是真的,因为这是对BGH不公正的诬衊。)
27、Enzyme technology can also increase the quality and safety ofdairy products, im prove production technology and product flavor.(应用酶技术还可以提高乳制品生产的质量和安全性,改进生产工艺过程和改善产品风味。) haO86.com