
family name造句

family name造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:33:43


family name造句

  • 1、Shall I write your given orfamily name first?(我应该先写您的名字还是姓氏呢?)
  • 2、"-sn" is the surname, which is the user's last name orfamily name.(“-sn”是姓,这是用户的姓。)
  • 3、The column key is the concatenation of thefamily name, the: symbol, and the label.(column键由族名、:号和标签组成。)
  • 4、Is this yourfamily name or your given name?(这是您的姓,还是您的名?)
  • 5、We Chinese put ourfamily name first.(我们中国人把姓放在名字前。)
  • 6、She had nofamily name; she had no family; no baptismal name; the Church no longer existed.(她没有姓,因为她没有家;她没有教名,因为当时教堂已不过问这些事了。)
  • 7、I: How do you spell your surname (orfamily name or last name)?(I:你的姓怎样拼?)
  • 8、And what is yourfamily name, May?(那么你的姓什么,小梅?)
  • 9、The brothers said they were trying to break into the business and had a right to use theirfamily name.(兄弟俩说,他们正在努力闯进这个行业,并且有权使用自己的姓氏。)
  • 10、Well, how do you spell yourfamily name in English?(喔,你的姓用英语怎么拼写?)
  • 11、Those are mappings from "family name" to "surname," for example.(例如,从"familyname"到"surname,"的映射。)
  • 12、And there is another generation that expects to inherit more than a once-gildedfamily name.(而下一代福布斯人则期望从这个曾经荣耀的家族继承更多。)
  • 13、He had disgraced thefamily name.(他玷污了家族的名声。)
  • 14、I chose Julie to be my English name because myfamily name is Zhu.(我选择了Julies是我的英文名字,因为我姓朱。)
  • 15、As an Italianfamily name Paparazzo is said to be common in Calabria.(作为一个意大利人的姓氏,据说Paparazzo在卡拉布里亚地区很常见。)
  • 16、Please say yourfamily name again?(请再把您的姓念一次。)
  • 17、Shenyang I share a similar fate with her, with a grandpa by the samefamily name of Bi.(其实,毕老师,我的命运(敏感词语)跟她是一样的,我也有一个姓毕的姥爷。)
  • 18、They use Mr. , Mrs. or Miss with thefamily name but never with the first name.(他们只将先生、夫人或小姐等称呼和姓连用,但绝不和名连用。)
  • 19、Women who keep their last name lose the joy of a collectivefamily name.(保留本姓的女人失去了拥有复姓的喜悦。)
  • 20、Boys carry thefamily name, cost less to marry off, and have better access to education than girls.(男孩继承家姓,在结婚中花费更少,比女孩有更多的机会接受教育。)
  • 21、Do you know hisfamily name?(您知道他姓什么吗?)
  • 22、A: Terry Lin.Lin is myfamily name.(泰利·林,林是我的姓。)
  • 23、I don't want to bring shame on thefamily name.(我不想给家庭的声誉带来耻辱。) hao86.com
  • 24、I know your first name, but I don't know yourfamily name.(我知道你的名字,但不知道你的姓氏。)
  • 25、Su is myfamily name.(我叫苏如梅,苏是我的姓。)
  • 26、B: And what is yourfamily name, May?(B:那么你的姓什么,小梅?)
  • 27、It is myfamily name.(是我的姓。)
  • 28、B.Myfamily name is Lin.(我姓林。)

family name基本释义

family name

英 [ˈfæmili neim] 美 [ˈfæməli nem] 
第三人称复数:family names
