
broad-brimmed hat造句

broad-brimmed hat造句

更新时间:2024-11-17 21:05:20


broad-brimmed hat造句

  • 1、She had a largebroad-brimmed hat on, painted with the most splendid flowers.(她戴着一顶很大的宽边帽,帽子上绘着许多美丽的花朵。)
  • 2、The latest still photos show Li in a broad-brimmed leaf hat, wearing a plain colored, tight-sleeved coat and ankle-length slacks.(最新剧照中,李宇春头戴宽沿斗笠,身穿素色紧袖上衣,及裸长裤。)
  • 3、He wore blue trousers, a blue frock coat and abroad-brimmed hat, which always appeared to be new, a black cravat, a Quaker shirt, that is to say, it was dazzlingly white, but of coarse linen.(他穿一条蓝色长裤,一件蓝色骑马服,戴顶宽边帽,好象永远是新的,结一条黑领带,穿件教友派衬衫,就是说,那种白到耀眼的粗布衬衫。)
  • 4、Wear abroad-brimmed hat along with your sunglasses.(宽边帽子和太阳镜一起戴。) hAo86.com
  • 5、Wear protective clothing such as a broad brimmed hat to protect the eyes, face and neck.(穿戴防护服,如宽边帽子,可遮挡对眼睛、脸部和后颈的日晒。)

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