1、This code allows the value property of the Field component tobe bound to a backing bean.(这个代码允许Field组件的value属性绑定到后台bean。)
2、It can alsobe bound to form elements to allow for a seamless way to enter data and to edit existing data.(还可以与form元素相结合,从而实现输入数据和编辑已有数据的无缝衔接。)
3、The user interface is composed of multiple controls, with some that canbe bound to data elements.(用户界面由若干控件组成,其中一些控件可绑定到数据元素。)
4、If this is set to Bind, then the data will simplybe bound to the control.(如果它被设置成了Bind,那么数据就会简单地绑定至控件。)
5、He'llbe bound to find out what the skipping-rope is.(他一定会弄清楚跳绳是什么。)
6、Multiple Web service bindings cannotbe bound to the same service.(不能将多个Web服务绑定捆绑到相同服务。)
7、For example, in the web-tier a Spring-managed object maybe bound to 'request' or 'session' scope.(举个例子来说,在web层,一个Spring管理对象可能捆绑到request或session的范围。)
8、The JNDI name must laterbe bound to JNDI names used by EJB and Web modules to look up the connection factory.(稍后必须将这里的JNDI名绑定到EJB和Web模块所使用的JNDI名,以查找连接工厂。)
9、To execute SQL statically, it must firstbe bound to a database package.(为了静态地执行SQL,首先必须将它绑定到一个数据库包。)
10、A quark cannot exist on its own, but mustbe bound to other quarks or an antiquark.(一个夸克不能单独存在,必须与其它夸克或反夸克结合在一起。)
11、You can use data in other formats and create RDF data from it, which willbe bound to XUL elements.(可以使用其他格式的数据,并从中创建RDF数据,该数据将绑定到XUL格式。)
12、Each of the ports on the component willbe bound to the appropriate role.(组件上的每一个端口都将被绑定到适当的角色。)
13、Even though the check is not really associated with any physical host, it needs tobe bound to a host.(尽管这个检查并不真正地关联于任何物理主机,但是需要将它绑定到一台主机。)
14、This is a logical name that canbe bound to a JNDI datasource object during the deployment phase.(这是一个逻辑名,在部署阶段可以绑定到一个JNDI数据源对象。)
15、This service program canbe bound to the handler program at compile time.(服务程序可以在编译时被绑定到Handlder程序。)
16、Then your health care agent willbe bound to act according to this document.(然后你的健康护理经纪人会依照你的意愿和这份文件来做出医疗决定。)
17、The ref attribute specifies the XPath that the input data shouldbe bound to.(ref属性指定输入数据应该绑定的XPath。)
18、Other controls, such as the DropDownList, can alsobe bound to the data source controls.(其他控件(例如,DropDownList)也可以绑定到数据源控件。)
19、The MDB and session bean willbe bound to their respective JMS objects, as shown in Figure 29.(MDB和会话Bean将绑定到它们各自的JMS对象中,如图29所示。)
20、Again, exports canbe bound to, or invoked by, SCA components or external services.(此外,导出可以绑定到SCA组件或外部服务,或者由它们进行调用。)
21、Paging with the DataGrid requires all of the data tobe bound to the grid.(使用DataGrid的分页需要所有数据均与网格进行绑定。)
22、The requester willbe bound to the selected service endpoint and then invoke it.(请求者将被绑定到所选的服务端点并随后调用它。)
23、This package needs tobe bound to a collection ID.(这个包需要绑定到一个集合id。)
24、Essentially, all the threads within the process canbe bound to run on the specified processor.(从本质上讲,进程中的所有线程都可以绑定到指定的处理器上运行。)
25、If you started counting, you'dbe bound to get to it eventually.(如果你从这里开始数,你最后一定会到达那里的。)
26、However, your program willbe bound to member1 running on Computer1.(然而,您的程序会绑定到运行在Computer1上的member1。)
27、Most importantly LiteScape did not want tobe bound to the limitations of a third party integration library.(最为重要的一点,LiteScape不愿意受制于第三方集成库。) Hao86.com
28、I will no longerbe bound to the time Trap. I have found the time-management strategy that is perfect for me.(我已经不用整天抱着‘时间陷阱’寻找答案了,因为我已经发现了适合自己的时间管理策略。)
29、Moreover, China wouldbe bound to retaliate.(此外,中国势必要进行报复。)