2、A beggar does not envy a millionaire, but he is sure that he willbe jealous of a higher income.(乞丐并不会妒忌百万富翁,但是他肯定会妒忌收入更高的乞丐。)
3、"Ephraim will notbe jealous of Judah, nor Judah hostile toward Ephraim". - Isaiah 11:13.(“以法莲必不嫉妒犹大,犹大也不扰害以法莲。”-赛11:13。)
4、Don'tbe jealous of others, because you do not know the next second you will get much.(——不用羡慕别人,因为你不知道下一秒你会得到多少。)
5、Don'tbe jealous of others. Because you never know how much you will get in the next second.(不用羡慕别人,因为你不知道你下一秒会获得多少。)
6、It is not in his nature tobe jealous of other people's good fortune.(妒忌别人的好运可不是他的本性。)
7、Ex. : Don'tbe jealous of others' fortune, rely on yourself and work hard, you will also have a chance to win.(例:不要看见别人发财了,就得红眼病,自己努力工作,也会有机会的。)
8、I'm not your husband: you needn'tbe jealous of me! '!(我不是你的丈夫,你用不着为了我而嫉妒!)
9、Don'tbe jealous of my wealth.(别妒忌我的财富。)
10、Why would Ibe jealous of some weird actor?(为什么我会是嫉妒的某些古怪的演员?)
11、Friends should trust each and notbe jealous of each other.(朋友之间应该互相信任,不能互相疑忌。)
12、People began tobe jealous of one another, and they were not satisfied with all the good things they already had.(人们开始互相猜疑,并开始不满足于目前所拥有的美好的事物。)
13、Other people couldbe jealous of you and your lifestyle, so they're trying to find fault with the things you do.(你可能感觉自己在为他人做嫁衣却没有得到回报。)
14、Don't think I'llbe jealous of any man you choose to marry. I only want you to be happy!(别以为我会嫉妒你选择要嫁的男人,我只想让你快乐!)
15、What do I have tobe jealous of?(我有什么好嫉妒的?)
16、Everyone shouldbe jealous of his hard-won rights.(人人都应珍惜自己的之不易的权利。)
17、They maybe jealous of your success.(在我看来,你似乎只是嫉妒他的成功。)
18、I have to admit that I wouldbe jealous of a girl if she was your girlfriend.(我承认我嫉妒那个是你女朋友的女孩。)
19、Say that you have plans to travel and everyone around you will undoubtedlybe jealous of your worldly adventures.(如果你说你有出游的计划,周围的每个人一定都会毋庸置疑地嫉妒你,羡慕你要去各地冒险。)
20、There's lots of women in here who fancy you; should Ibe jealous of them?(这儿有很多女人也喜欢你,我嫉妒她们了吗?)
21、Atrophic gastritis canbe jealous of ginger soak it?(萎缩性胃炎能吃醋泡生姜吗?) hAo86.com
22、There is no reason tobe jealous of me.(我没有来由让人妒忌。)