


此 App 只在 iPhone 和 iPad 的 App Store 中提供。


Ryan Byrne

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  • RaceSplitter—RaceTimeriPhone版

【#生活实用# #RaceSplitter—RaceTimeriPhone版#】


hao86下载•iPhone版】RaceSplitter—RaceTimer是一款专为赛事计时与成绩管理设计的免费版软件APP,它集成了赛事组织、计时、成绩发布等一系列功能于一体。无论是赛事组织者、教练还是参赛者,都能通过RaceSplitter—RaceTimer免费版软件APP享受到高效、便捷的赛事体验。无需复杂的芯片系统,只需简单操作,即可实现精准的赛事计时与成绩管理。RaceSplitter—RaceTimeriPhone版_v1.7.6最新版本由hao86下载于2024年10月28日整合发布,这款软件由Ryan Byrne精心打造,我们将持续关注本页面的用户反馈,确保稳定体验。如有疑问或发现问题,请随时联系我们。我们将迅速响应,并为您解决。感谢您对hao86下载的支持,祝您使用愉快!




- 实时计时:RaceSplitter—RaceTimer免费版软件APP采用先进的计时技术,确保比赛时间的精准记录。

- 成绩发布:支持在线发布成绩,参赛者和观众可以实时查看比赛结果。

- 数据分析:提供详细的比赛数据分析,帮助用户评估赛事表现,制定训练计划。

- 免费使用:作为免费版软件APP,RaceSplitter—RaceTimer无需任何费用,即可享受全面的赛事计时服务。


- 经济高效:相比传统的芯片计时系统,RaceSplitter—RaceTimer免费版软件APP大大降低了赛事组织的成本。

- 易于操作:界面简洁明了,用户无需专业培训即可轻松上手。

- 功能全面:支持从赛事组织到成绩发布的全流程管理,满足赛事组织者的多样化需求。

- 广泛适用:适用于各类赛事,无论是小型比赛还是大型国际赛事,都能得到完美的计时支持。


- 赛事管理:创建并管理赛事信息,包括参赛者名单、赛事规则等。

- 实时计时:记录比赛过程中的实时时间,确保计时准确无误。

- 成绩发布:在线发布比赛成绩,支持多种格式导出和分享。

- 数据分析:提供详细的比赛数据分析报告,帮助用户深入了解赛事表现。

- 数据同步:支持与其他设备或平台的数据同步,确保信息的实时更新。


- 免费体验:RaceSplitter—RaceTimer免费版软件APP提供全面的免费服务,让用户无需花费任何费用即可享受高效的赛事计时体验。

- 灵活定制:支持用户根据赛事需求进行个性化设置,满足多样化的赛事组织需求。

- 社区互动:通过内置的社区功能,用户可以与其他赛事组织者、教练和参赛者进行互动交流,分享赛事经验和心得。

- 持续更新:RaceSplitter—RaceTimer团队将持续对软件进行更新和优化,确保用户始终享受到最新、最稳定的服务。


1.7.62019-09-20Fixes an issue where RaceSplitter was not presented as an option when importing start lists

1.7.52018-10-18- Fixes racers index
- Other fixes and updates
- iOS 12 compatibility fix

1.7.42014-11-15This is a maintenance release that fixes a few issues and updates the app to use the latest frameworks.

1.7.32014-06-13- Fixes an issue where invalid entries could be created while adding racers.

1.7.22014-04-25- Bug fixes

1.7.12014-04-15This releases fixes a few issue introduced by 1.7.

1.72014-04-09User interface updates and bug fixes related to iOS 7.

1.6.12013-10-23- Fixes the group selection view background color

1.62013-10-18- RaceSplitter has been optimized for the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c

1.5.32013-04-03- Fixes a potential crash when sharing on iOS 4.3

1.5.22013-03-01- Fixes an issue where autostart races could be assigned an incorrect start time

1.5.12012-12-14* Fixes an issue with enabling racer compensation


This update addresses two of our most common feature requests:

* ABILITY TO DISABLE AUTO-SPLIT MODE. A new setting for mass-start races allows the user to disable RaceSplitter's auto-split mode, thereby preventing erroneous splits from being added to the race when the timer accidentally times the same bib number twice.

* RAPID-FIRE TIMING. In mass-start races, when auto-split mode is disabled, the user can now create rapid-fire, bib-less timing entries quickly. Perfect for timing groups of racers arriving together!

1.52012-12-05This update addresses two of our most common feature requests:\r
* ABILITY TO DISABLE AUTO-SPLIT MODE. A new setting for mass-start races allows the user to disable RaceSplitter's auto-split mode, thereby preventing erroneous splits from being added to the race when the timer accidentally times the same bib number twice.\r
* RAPID-FIRE TIMING. In mass-start races, when auto-split mode is disabled, the user can now create rapid-fire, bib-less timing entries quickly. Perfect for timing groups of racers arriving together!

1.4.22012-09-17* Added the ability to set the start time with a precision of seconds.

* Fixed an issue where a device might become idle while importing a very large start list.

1.4.12012-06-24- Tapping on an active race from the races screen takes you directly to the timer interface\r
- Fixes an issue where the publish button remained disabled after deleting a timing entry\r
- Fixes an issue with races publishing automatically on stop\r
- Fixes an issue where a failed connection when publishing could result in duplicate results

1.42012-05-24- Live results publishing! You can now publish or update the current race results online, for browsing or printing, at any time, even during the race.

- Better integration with the newly redesigned RaceSplitter.com.

1.3.62012-03-10- The "Share" button on the results screen now displays an "Open in..." option that allows you to open your race results with other installed apps on your device such as the Numbers spreadsheet or Dropbox. This opens the door to on-device data processing, AirPrint printing, or sending the data to your computer via iTunes (when there's not an Internet connection available).

- When displaying the Timed Racer card, we now display the last lap time in addition to the recorded race time.

- When deleting a race, you can now (optionally) also delete associated racers and groups.

- We now display the Active Racer card a bit sooner, after typing in a bib number.

- On the Standings screen, we now emphasize the race time, rather than the difference to leader.

- Minor polishing of the user interface.

1.3.52012-02-17- Improved Active Racer card, pops up when you type a bib number.
- Improved Timed Racer card, showing additional related racer information.
- Added sound effects when using the keypad, for audible feedback.
- Interval start list now displays scheduled race time for each participant
- Publish to RaceSplitter.com directly from Results screen's "Share" button
- Improved "Open in RaceSplitter" functionality (from email attachments)

1.3.42012-01-10- New Active Racer Card that shows individual racer standings in real-time

1.3.22011-11-20* Fixed version number\r
* Time columns in CSV export now always include hours

1.3.12011-11-15* Improved racer management\r
* User interface polishing\r
* Various bug fixes

1.32011-10-11* NEW: Swipe to start race.
* NEW: Timing screen.
* NEW: Live race standings — overall & groups
* NEW: Race type, "fixed distance" and "fixed time"
* NEW: Assign an unnamed racer to an existing or new racer.
* NEW: Fast creation of a sequential start list.
* NEW: Create accounts on RaceSplitter.com
* IMPROVED: Re-organized the race settings screen.
* CHANGED: You must be logged into an account at RaceSplitter.com in order to publish results.

1.2.12011-07-07+ This release fixes an issue related to timing races without a start list

1.22011-06-02+ Ability to change the racer a recorded timing entry is associated with.\r
+ Show overall and category / team positions on the racer-at-a-glance view.\r
+ Add the ability to search for a racer on the results view, the timing view and the start list.

1.12011-04-16PUBLISH RESULTS INSTANTLY ONLINE — RaceSplitter now allows you to publish your results directly to the RaceSplitter website, and share those results with others via email or Twitter.

AUTOMATICALLY START RACE TIMERS — You can now configure a race to start automatically at the scheduled time.

SUPPORT FOR ADAPTIVE SPORTS — RaceSplitter now supports compensation for racers with disabilities.

IMPROVED CSV EXPORT FORMAT — Exported CSV data is now formatted to better communicate race results.
