


此 App 只在 iPhone 和 iPad 的 App Store 中提供。


Chaviro Software

评分 • 5
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版
  • DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版

【#旅游出行# #DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版#】


hao86下载•iPhone版】DirectionCompassWithMaps免费版,您出行探索的终极伴侣!无论身处繁华都市,还是偏远山川,这款应用都能引领您直达目的地,让迷路成为过去。集成了高精度地图与智能指南针功能,DirectionCompassWithMaps免费版让方向感不再是难题,是每位旅行爱好者、户外探险者及日常通勤者的必备神器。DirectionCompassWithMapsiPhone版_v4.0.2最新版本由hao86下载于2024年10月18日整合发布,这款软件由Chaviro Software精心打造,我们将持续关注本页面的用户反馈,确保稳定体验。如有疑问或发现问题,请随时联系我们。我们将迅速响应,并为您解决。感谢您对hao86下载的支持,祝您使用愉快!




- 智能定位:即时更新您的位置信息,精准无误。

- 全球覆盖:支持全球地图,无论您在世界哪个角落,都能找到方向。

- 多功能搜索:输入地名、地标或具体地址,DirectionCompassWithMaps免费版即刻响应,理解您的意图。

- 自动校准:内置指南针自动校准,确保方向指引准确无误。

- 离线地图(部分功能):提供下载离线地图选项,无网络也能大致定位(注:详细导航仍需网络)。


- 用户友好:界面简洁直观,操作流畅,适合各年龄段用户。

- 实时路况:提供实时交通信息,避开拥堵路段,节省时间。

- 全面支持:兼容iOS及Android系统,适配多种手机型号。

- 免费体验:DirectionCompassWithMaps免费版基础功能完全免费,更多高级特性等您探索。


- 精准导航:基于GPS定位,提供从起点到终点的详细路线规划。

- 方向指示:实时显示您与目的地的相对方向及距离。

- 地点标记:支持自定义标记重要位置,如车辆停放点、营地等。

- 历史记录:保存您的搜索历史和导航记录,方便回顾与复用。

- 语音提示:提供语音导航服务,让驾驶或徒步时更加安全便捷。


- 无缝切换:地图与指南针模式一键切换,满足不同场景需求。

- 多语言支持:支持多种语言,全球用户无障碍使用。

- 定制化界面:根据个人喜好调整界面风格,打造专属导航体验。

- 社区分享:与全球用户分享您的探索路线与精彩瞬间,发现更多未知美景。

- 持续优化:定期更新,不断加入新功能,提升用户体验,DirectionCompassWithMaps免费版与您一同成长。


4.0.22022-12-23This version has been extensively reworked to improve compatibility, presentation, power consumption, and ergonomics.
version 4.0.1: small bug correction

4.0.02022-12-18This version has been extensively reworked to improve compatibility, presentation, power consumption, and ergonomics.

3.5.22020-08-29Bug correction and a few improvements.

3.5.12020-08-06-Added two buttons for iPhone X
-Solved a problem with GPS detection
-Few interface changes
-General update for iOS 13+

3.4.12017-03-03Version 3.4.1:
+performance improvements
+some graphics changes
+a graphic bug related to the blur effect has been solved

version 3.0 is a major release with a lot of changes and improvements:
+new interface
+new graphics
+new tutorial (press i on the main screen)
+improved map
+performance improvements

3.4.02017-01-16Version 3.4:
+performance improvements
+some graphics changes
+a graphic bug related to the blur effect has been solved

version 3.0 is a major release with a lot of changes and improvements:
+new interface
+new graphics
+new tutorial (press i on the main screen)
+improved map
+performance improvements

3.0.12015-10-05version 3.0 is a major release with a lot of changes and improvements:
+new interface
+new graphics
+new tutorial (press i on the main screen)
+improved map
+performance improvements

2.302014-03-27**** Improved for IOS 7.0, but still working on IOS 6
****Universal Application : This App is now working on Ipad
****your position is now displayed on the map screen
****increased precision for latitude and longitude display

2.202013-11-16**** Improved for IOS 7.0, but still working on IOS 6 and IOS 5
****Universal Application : This App is now working on Ipad
Hope you'll enjoy this version !

2.112013-09-12important update: works on more IOS versions
-added a small compass in the search screen.
-compass size improvement.
-added a "map" button allowing you to just display a map, without changing the targets.

enjoy !!!

2.02013-06-25New interface design. New logo. Some minor improvements and optimisations.

We hope you will appreciate this new version.
If you enjoy this App, please rate it. This would be a great encouragement to develop new and exciting features. To do so, just press the "heart" symbol near the compass.
Thank you !

1.72013-05-02-Added a third format for entering Latitude and Longitude.
-Corrected a bug preventing to save the lat/lon configuration
-Performance improvements
-Display Altitude and Speed on iphone 5

We hope you will appreciate this new version.
If you enjoy this App, please give it 5 stars. This would be a great encouragement to develop new and exciting features. To do so, just press the "heart" symbol near the compass.

1.62013-01-29We hope you will appreciate this new version.
If you enjoy this App, please give it 5 stars. This would be a great encouragement to develop new and exciting features. To do so, just press the "heart" symbol near the compass.

Thank u. :)

1.52012-12-11-A bug preventing the "full version" users to delete a bookmark has been resolved. Just swipe the bookmark (move finger across the bookmark) to delete it.
-Faster start
-speed optimization
-few small bugs corrections.

Thanks for downloading and using this app. Suggestions and questions are welcome: orientation@chaviro.com
Please rate it, so I can continue to provide free updates.

1.42012-11-08Many changes on this version:
-compatible with IOS 4.3
-compatible with IOS 6.0
-Iphone 5 enhanced version (bigger compass)

-latitude & longitude can be displayed in different formats
-you can select your position by changing the latitude/longitude (paid version only)

Many other small improvements, and optimizations.

Thanks for your support. :)

1.32012-08-29minor bug fixes and improvements

1.22012-08-10Major release.

Full version available.
The full version is free for you if you already have "Orientation Lite Edition"
-no more ads
-4 targets instead of 2
-Bookmark your favorite targets
-Graphics and interface improvements
-New logo

